Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 10, 2015

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 14: Wonders of the world.

1. Study the table below, use the given verbs to write true sentences in passive voice.
a. Aspirin was discovered by Dresser in 1889
b. Channel Tunnel linking was constructed by English and French from 1987 to 1994.
c. Color television was invented by Peter Carl Gold Mark in 1950.
d. Eiffel Tower was designed by Alexander Gustave Eiffel in 1889.
e. Electronic computer were invented by Atanasoff and Berry in 1942.
f. Laser was dicovered by Gordon Gould in 1958.
g. Sydney Opera House was completed by Jorn Utzon in 1973.
h. The famous ancient Egyptian lighthouse was destroyed by Pharos of Alexandria in the 14th century.

2. Change the active sentences in to passive and the passive into active to tell how to make books.
a. How books are made?
b. Firstly, big sheets of paper are printed.
c. Each sheet contains the text of a number of papers.
d. The sheets are folded and cut to produce sections of the books.
e. These sections are called signatures
f. All the signatures are put together in the correct order.
g. The signatures are bound together and the edges are trimmed.
h. Finally, the cover which has been printed separately is attached .
i. Now the book can be published.

3. A foreign tourist is asking Lan questions about Phong Nha-Ke Bang. Write them in indirect speech.
a. The tourist asks “Is Phong Nha in Quang Tri province? “
b. The tourist asks “Does it have the most beautiful cave in Viet Nam? “
c. The tourist asks “ Is it very far from Ha Noi?”
d. The tourist asks “Are there any wildlife conservation centers there?”
e. The tourist asks “Was the environment destroyed heavily in the war?”
f. The tourist asks “Did people build a lot of hotels and restaurants around the place”?”
g. The tourist asks “Was it admitted one of the world heritages? “
h. The tourist asks “ Can I be his guide to Phong Nha this weekend?”

4. Write the following dialogues in indirect speech.
a. Nam asked Nga if Nga’s house was far from the city. Nga said it was.
b. Nam asked Nga if Nga liked traveling. Nga said Nga liked.
c. Nam asked Nga if Big Ben was in Lodon. Nga said it was.
d. Nam asked Nga if it was cold in Sydney in January. Nga said it wasn’t.
e. Nam asked Nga if the Pyramids in Egypt attracted a lot of tourists every year.Nga said they did.
f. Nam asked Nga if HaLong Bay in Vietnamwas one of the world heritages. Nga said it was.
g. Nam asked Nga if Nga’s parents spoke English. Nga said they didn’t.
h. Nam asked Nga if Australian people were very friendly. Nga said they were.

5. complete the passage using the correct form of the verbs in the box.
Early this morning, Mr. Robinson decided  (1) to go for a run. He left the house and started (2) to jog in the direction of Bay Mau Lake. He though he might (3) go around the lake three times before heading home. Unfortunately, after 10 minutes, dark clouds began (4) to gather  and it started (5) to rain.
Mr.Robinson tried (6) to reach shelter, but within a few seconds he was completely wet. So he decided (7) to continue his run because he couldn’t (8) become wetter.

6. Complete the following sentences by using question words before to-infinitives.
b. Sure. I know exactly how many friends.
c. I really don’t know how to say.
d. I have no idea to choose.

7. The province soccer club has just changed the coach. Write about the club situation after having the new coach.
a. The new coach makes the players work hard.
b. The coach wants players to feel proud of their club.
c. He teaches them to play well together.
d. He makes them watch film of matches of other team.
e. The club doctor helps the players restore their health after match.
f. The coach lets them relax after the game.
g. The coach expects the players to have behave well.
h. The fan club wants the team to do well.
i. The fan would like the club to win every match.
j. The coach invited the boys to visit the club from time to time. 
k. The chairman persuades the companies to give the money to the club.

"Handsome is as handsome does" - Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn.
8. Complete each of the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
a. description
b. government
d. construction
e. reflection
f. decoration

9. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. B
b. C
c. D
d. B
e. B

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án)
Wonder: kỳ quan
Government: chính phủ

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 15: Computers

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 13: Festivals.

1. Change the sentences below into passive voice.
a. The rice was separated fron the husk.
b. A fire was made by their camp.
c. This house was built more than one hundred years ago.
d. Millions of tons of rice are exported every year.
e. The Lunar New Year is celebrated around January or February.
f. Trees are usually planted in the neighborhood after Tet holiday.
g. How many motors are imported a year?
h. How many festivals are celebrated in your community?
i. His book was published in 1996.
j. Our desk was repaired during the weekend.

3. Fill in the gap in each of the following sentences with one suitable compound noun fron the box.
a. Air-conditioning
b. Zebra-crossing
c. Data-processing
d. Family-planning
e. Water-skiing
f. Fire-making
g. Cock-fighting
h. Bird-watching
i. Bungee – jumping
j. Language-learning

7. Read the passage and fill in each gap with one word from the box.
Harvest Home is a ( 1 ) traditional English harvest festival. The last day of harvest is celebrated by ( 2 ) singing, shouting, and decorating the village with tree ( 3 ) branches The cailleac, or last sheaf os corn, ( 4) which represents the spirit of the field, is ( 5 ) made into a harvest doll and drenched with ( 6 ) water. It is believed that this will bring ( 7 ) rain for the next harvest. The sheaf is saved ( 8 ) until spring planting. In ancient times, the ( 9 ) festival also included the symbolic murder of the grain spirit, as well as rites for getting rid of the devil. A ( 10 ) similar festival was traditionally held in parts of Ireland, Scotland, and Northern Europe.

8. Fill in each of the gaps in the passage below with one suitable word from the box.
Tet is a national and family ( 1 ) .It is an occasion for every Vietnamese to ( 2 ) havegood time while thinking about the last year and the next year. At Tet, spring ( 3 ) fairs are organized, streets and public buildings are ( 4 ) brightly decorated and almost all shops are ( 5 ) crowded with people shopping for Tet. At home, everything is tidied, special food is ( 6 ) cooked offerings of food, fresh water, flowers and betel are made on the ( 7 ) family altar with burning joss-sticks scenting the air. First-footing is made when the (8) first visitors comes and children are given ( 9 ) lucky money wrapped in a red tiny envelope. Tet is also a time for peace and ( 10 ) love During Tet, children often behave ( 11 ) well and friends, relatives and neighbors give each other best ( 12 ) wishes  for the new year.

9. Write from the following sets of words and phrases, complete sentences. You can make all the necessary changes and additions.
b. Banh Chung is the other kinds of special food is made on Tet. 
c. Traditional songs are often performed in festival. 
d. Thanksgiving Day is usually celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. 
e. Halloween's pumpkins are made into jack-o-lanterns. 
f. You can play small tricks with friends and stranges on April Fool's Day.

"With age comes wisdom" - Gừng càng già càng cay. 10. Read the tips for the Philadelphia Folk Festival and fill in each gap with a word from the box.
a. tickets
b. places
c. sunscreen
d. kids
e. flashlight
f. keys
g. blanket
h. souvenir
i. someone
j. anything
k. weather
l. feet
11. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. B
b. B
c. A
d. B
e. B
f. B

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 12: A vacation abroad.

1. Underline and rewrite the mispelt words.
a. accomodation -> accommodation
b. wether -> weather
c. suvernirs -> souvenirs
d. delecious -> delicious

2. Underline and rewrite the inappropriate words.
a. painted -> carved
b. bring -> wear
c. overhead -> over
d. situated -> located
e. a famous -> an infamous

3. List the countries in the country box under the appropriate continent. Then you can add more countries that you know to the continents.
North America
South America
Sudan Kenya
The United States of America

4. Mrs.Quyen plans to travel around the USA. However, she isn’t sure about the weather there. Look at the weather forecast, then help her write the answers for the following questions.
a. It is rainy and cool with the temprature of 40 F.
b. It is windy and rather cool with the temprature of 50 F.
c. It is rainy and lightning with the temprature of 57 F.
d. It is sunny and sometimes cloudy with the temprature of 75 F.
e. It is sunny and hot with the temprature of 90 F.
f. It is sunny and rather hot with the temprature of 80 F.

5. Study the following situations. Then use the cues to make proper invitations, acceptances and declines.
b. You:Would you like to come to my house to have my birthday party on the weekend?
Doan Trang: Thank for your invitation. I’d love to.
c. Minh: Let’s go to the cateen now. Tuan.
Tuan: That’s very kind of you, but I have to go and see my teacher.
d. You: Would you like to come to see a football math at the stadium on Saturday evening with me ?
Your friend: That ‘s a good idea. Where are we going to meet?
e. Your father: Would you like to go to the restaurant to celebrate our graduation day?
Your father’s friend: Ok. Thank.
f. Quan :
Nhu Hoa :

6. Put the verbs into the correct form, past progressive or simple past.
b. I was in the countryside with my grandfather some weeks ago. One night I ( walk ) was walking along a country road when suddenly I ( hear ) heard footsteps behind me. Somebody ( follow ) was following me. Then I ( start ) started to run.
c. Mrs. Smith ( invite ) invited Mrs.Quyen to have dinner while Mrs.Quyen  ( visit ) was visiting the USA.
d. Mrs. Quyen ( do ) did shopping while Mr. Thanh ( attend ) was attending a business meeting.
e. How fast ( the girl / ride ) was the girl riding when the accident ( happen ) happened ?
f. I ( go ) went o the post office to receive a parcel yesterday. While I ( fill out ) was filling out the form one of my old friends ( slap ) slapped me on my shoulder. I ( be ) was so happy to meet him.
g. Yesterday Tuan ( ask ) asked me to go to the station with him, but I ( not want ) didn’t want to leave the house because I ( wait ) was waiting for a phone call.
h. During the study period in class yesterday, it ( be ) was hard for us to cocentrate because the students next door ( make ) were making so much noise.

7. An American teenager is visiting Hoi An, an ancient town in Quang Nam province. Complete the posrcard she has written with the words in the box.
Dear Jenny,
We are having a wonderful time in Hoi An. The streets here are so narrow that cars not allowed to enter the center of the town .Therefore we have to walk .The houses are very old but beautiful. However, I don’t like the way they do business. It seems that every house has a shop to sell souvenirs and other stuffs. The people are very friendly and helpful. The food looks funny but it tastes quite nice. I haven’t bought anythings for you. But I will buy you some little colourful lanterns.
See you soon.
"New one in, old one out" - Có mới nới cũ.
8. Fill in each gap with one word from the box.
1. capital
2. populous
3. lagest
4. its
5. visitors
6. and
7. historic
8. the
9. home
10. population
11. research
12. schools
13. rest
14. university
15. well

9. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. A
b. A
c. B
d. A
e. C
f. B

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 11: Traveling around Viet Nam.

1. Nam and his American friend James met Trang at the airport. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete conversation. Decide who said what.
c. Nam: James, I’d like you to meet my friend, Trang.
b. James: How do you do? Welcome to Los Angeles.
g. Trang: Thank you. I am pleased to meet you.
e. Nam: How was the trip?
f. Trang: It was nice. I slept almost all the flight.
j. James: Can I help you with your bags, Trang?
a. Trang: Thank you. They are little heavy.
h. James: No problem.Do you mind if I take a picture of two?
d. Trang: Go ahead. Could you give me one copy?
k. James: OK. I will.
i. Nam: A taxi’s coming. Let’s go.

2. Country Quiz. Read the following sentences and decide which city or province in Viet Nam they are about.
a. Ho Chi Minh City.
b. Vung Tau.
c. Hue
d. Tien Giang

3. Use Do / would you mind + verb-ing and Do / would you mind if …..? to make the following requests more polite.
a. Do you mind if I turn on the TV?
b. Would you mind correcting this composition for me?
c. Would you mind if I took a photo of your study corner?
d. Do you mind if I give some advice on your study habbits?
e. Do you mind playing the tape once more?
f. Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary? 
g. Do you mind if I have a look at your homework?
h. Would you mind telling me how you learned English at school?
i. Would you mind if I used your computer for one hour?
j. Do you mind solving this math problem for me?

4. Insert a suitable participle in column B into a sentence in column A
1-g. The woman holding a brown handbag was Nam’s mother.
2-d. The girls skipping rope are from Class A3.
3-a. The ruler made of metal is mine.
4-f. The young man carrying two big suitcases is Hien’s elder brother.
5-j. The old man walking with a crutch had an accident last week.
6-c. The house painted in yellow and brown was built in 18th century.
7-h. The table put upside down needs repairing.
8-b. The teacher talking to the principal is in charge of my class.
9-e. The film shown on TV last night won the first prize in the film festival last year.
10-i. The boys planting trees on the hill are in the volunteer group of Long An school.

5. Fill in each of the gaps in the passage below with one suitable word from the box.
Ha Long-Bay of the Descending Dragon- is very ( 1 ) beautiful with both Viet Nam and ( 2 ) international tourists. One of the ( 3 ) , attractions of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm ( 4 ) water and limestone mountains. The Bay’s water is ( 5 ) clear  during the spring and early summer. Upon arriving ( 6 ) in Ha Long city, the visiters will go along Chay Beach. From the beach, visitors can hire a ( 7 ) boat and go out to the Bay.It is here that visitors will find some of Southeast Asia's most (8) popular sites. Dau go Cave is one of the most beatuful (9) caves at Ha Long. It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid (10) wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288.

6. Underline and rewrite the mispelt words.
a. islands
b. luggage
c. pagodas
d. buffalo
e. mountains

7. Underline and riwrite the inappropriate words.
a. cans -> canes
b. going to -> to go
d. customer -> custom
e. waterfall -> lake

8. List the words in the box under the appropriate headings. Then you can add more words that you know to each heading.
tribal village
cave pagoda lake
botanical garden jungle stream
guest house
Ha Long Bay
Hoi An
My Son
Phong Nha-Ke Bang

9. Write,from the following sets of words and phrases,complete sentences which together make up a story. You can make all the necessary changes and additions.
a. Last year Class 11B had a terrible experience. 
b. One weekend they decided to go for a picnic in Cuc Phuong National Park.
c. Soon after we arrived the park, it started to rain cats and dogs.
d. They had to wait for four hours for the bus before the rain stopped.
e. They got out of the bus and had lunch because everybodywas very hungry.
f. After lunch they began to explore the park in groups of four or five students.
g. Unfortunately it began raining heavily again.
h. Everybody got really wet when they could turn back to the bus.
i. They decided to leave the park whitout watching anything.

"There is no smoke without fire" - Không có lửa làm sao có khói
10. Read about different place in Vietnam and decide where these people should go. Fill in each gap in the sentences with a name of place.
a. ... Fansipan Mountain
b. ... Cu Chi
c. ... The Huong Pagoda
d. ... Ba Ria - Vung Tau
e. ... Lake Ba Be
f. ... Dien Bien Phu

11. Fill in each gap with one word from the box.
1. bay
2. sizes
3. center
4. share
5. climate
6. around
7. area
8. years
9. impact
10. geology
11. including
12. prehistorical
13. cultures
14. ago
15. events
16. found

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án)
Traveling : du lịch
Festival : lễ hội

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 12: A vacation abroad.

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 10: Recycling

1. Underline and riwrite the misspelt words.
a. bottles : chai lọ
b. fertilizer
c. packaging
d. environment
e. collected

2. Underline and rewrite the inappropriate words.
a. protest -> protect
b. overpackaged ->overpacked
c. glassware -> compost
d. fertilizing -> recycling
e. milkmen -> milkman

Dạng bị động, đổi động từ thì hiện tại thành "S + am/is/are + Ved/V3 "

3. Find a word starting with "re-" to fill the gap in each of the following sentences.
a. reuse
b. repeat
c. return
d. review
e. repaint

4. Put the words in brackets into passive sentences.
a. Cloth bags are used instead of plastic bags.
b. Milk is contained in paper boxes nowadays.
c. That beautiful toy is made from recycled paper.
d. Dried sugar canes are reused  to produce paper.
e. Leftover cloths are woven together to make blankets.
f. Vegetable matter is decomposed and becomes  fertilizers for the fields.
g. The market is swept every day to keep a clean environment for the neighborhood.
"No pain no cure" - Thuốc đắng dã tật.
5. Rewrite the sentences.Use the verbs in the present passive form.
a. The used plastic bottles are washed with water. 
b. The bottles are cut into small pieces.
c. The small pieces are mixed with certain chemicals.
d. The mixture is heated into pasty liquid.
e. The liqid is blown into new bottles.
f. The recycled plastic is also used to make toys and utensils.
g. Used plastic things are recycled to save natural resources.

6. Rewrite the sentences, putting the verbs in the passive form with will be + past participle.
a. The old car tires will be recycled to make pipes and floor coverings.
b. Shoes and sandals will be made from recycled old car tires.
c. Empty milk bottles will be collected by the milkmen in Britain.
d. Used glass will be collected and sent to factories.
e. The glass bottles will be broken into small pieces.
f. Te small glass pieces will be melted under great heat.
g. The melted glass will be blown into bottles, vase, and other glassware.
h. New glassware will be sold in shops, markets and supermarkets.

Dạng bị động, đổi động từ thì tương lai thành "S + will + be + Ved/V3 "

7. Complete the sentences using the adjective + to-infinitive structure.
a. It is lovely to see you  again.
b. I am delighted to receive your message.
c. They are well prepared to attend  the Olympia contest.
d. He is anxious to wait for  the test results.
e. We are happy to receive  a lot of presents from our grandparents.
f. She is smart enough to answer  all questions.

8. Rewrite the sentences using the adjective + to-infinitive structure.
a. I am happy to pass all the exams.
b. We are ready to clean the environment.
c. It is very difficult to keeping people from littering. (littering : vứt rác )
d. They are surprised to hear about the plan to collect the used boxes.
e. It is lucky to be able to live in a clean environment.
f. She isn’t pleased to empty the kitchen garbage.

9. Rewrite the sentences using the adjective + noun clause structure.
a. I am very pleased that you want to know more about 3 R.
b. He is delighted that you are interested in protecting envirenment.
c. They are very happy that they could save some money from reused things.
d. My teacher feels pleased that my class won the first prize in collecting cans.
e. We are worried that the rivers are becoming heavily polluted.
f. I am very glad that the Y&Y is having a plan on recycling used paper.

11 Read the passage and answer the m,ultiple-choice questions.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. C
e. B
f. B

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án) 
Recyling: tái chế
Environment: môi trường

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.

1. Underline and write the misspelt words.
a-A boy fell of his bike and became unconsious.
b-An ambulence came to take him to the hospital.
         ambulance : xe cứu thương
c-He was taken to the emmmergency unit.
d-There,doctors and nerses took care of him.
e-After two hours the boy revived and he feeled paint in his head.

2. Underline and write the inappropriate  words.
a-When you get burns you should ease the pain with warm water packs. (cold )
b-When a person gets shocked, don’t give him or her any sort drink or alcohol. ( food )
c-In a fainting case, you should give the patient a glass of wine when he / she revises. ( tea )
d-You should cover the wound of a dog bite with a clean, dry shirt.   ( dressing )
e-When you get cut, use a handkerchief to cover the pain.   (wound )

... + In order /so as + (not) + to + V1(nguyên mẫu)

3. List the words in the box under the appropriate headings. Them you can add more words that you know to the headings.
People/things involved in a first-aid : victim, nurse, doctor, ambulance, patient.
Cases that require a first-aid: dog bites, blooding, bee sting, shock, fainting, injuries, burns.
Ways/tools of the treatment : anti-tetanus injection, handkerchief, drug, cold water packs, sterile dressing, a running cold tap, cut, soap.

4. Choose the best word in the box for each blank.
A girl was riding her bike when she had an ( 1 ) accident .She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road. Her head was hurt and it was badly bleeding .However, she was still ( 2 ) conscious
It was an ( 3 ) emergency so people called an ( 4 ) ambulance in order to take her to hospital.While waiting for the ambulance, some people tried to stop the ( 5 ) bleeding by using a handkerchief to cover the ( 6 ) wound. Then they put ( 7 ) pressure on and held it tight.They tried to talk to her so as to keep her ( 8 ) awake. After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and the ( 9 ) victim was taken to hospital. Thanks to the timely and proper ( 10 ) first-aid the girl was safely rescued. (victim : bệnh nhân)

5. Read the following situations.Think of a purpose to explain the people’s actions.Use in order to / so as to with to-infinitive and the cues in brackets.
a) Perhaps she went to another store in order to get better milk of lower price.
b) Perhaps she called at a flower shop in order to buy some flowers for her friend’s birthday.
c) Perhaps she decided to go by bike in order to keep fit
d) Perhaps he ran to the telephone box to call an ambulance in order to take the victim to hospital.
"Silence is golden" - Im lặng là vàng.
6. Combine these dialogues with expression for requests, offers, promises or instructions.
a. Could you open the windows, please? 
b. Would you like to stop working and have something to eat? 
c. I will try. 
d. I promise. (Tôi hứa)
e. I will bring it back before 6.30.I promise. 
f. Would you send an ambulance to the corner of Tran Hung Dao and Phan Chu Trinh street ? 
g. Try to stop the bleeding. Use a towel to cover the wound. 
h. Give him or her a cup of tea.

7. Complete the sentences with will, 'll or won't.
a. 'll let
b. 'll lend
c. 'll do
d. 'll take
e. 'll have
f. 'll take
g. 'll help
h. won't stay

Thì tương lai, nghi vấn : Will + S + V1 + ...? - Yes, S will / No, S won't.

8. Use going or will with a suitable word from the box to complete the sentences.
a. won't be
b. am going to have
c. will be
d. will ... open
e. will ... get
f. is going to buy
g. will be
h. Will ... see

9. In what situations should we do the followings? Match a situation with a suitable what-to-do list.
1. Nosebleeding
2. Burns : bỏng
3. Bleeding
4. Broken Bones
5. Tooth
6. Bites and Scratches.

10. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. B
b. D
c. C
d. C
e. D

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 8 : Country life and city life.

1. Write the full sentences ( expressing future arrangements). Put the verbs in the present progressive tense.
a. I am visiting my grandparents this Sunday.
b. Liz’s family are coming to stay there this week.
c. Is Ba working late tonight, too?
d. We aren’t coming home this weekend.
e. He is going to see the dentist this afternoon.
f. They are going back to the USA next two months

2. Complete the sentences,using the correct present progressive form of the verbs in the box to talk about future plans.
a)Will Hoa stay in Ha Noi for Tet holidays?
No.Hoa is leaving Ha Noi for Hue tomorrow.
b)What are Mai and Nga doing this evening?
Mai and Nga are studying in the library this evening. (library : thư viện)
c)Have the Robinsons stay there long?
No,not long. But they are moving to a new apartment next week.
d)When will you give me your drawing,Nam?
Oh,sorry.I am finishing it tonight and you will have it tomorrow morning, Miss.
e)Will Liz be able to join our Tet celebrations?
Don’t worry.She is flying back on Saturday afternoon.
f)Will you come to my party this Saturday?
I am afraid I can’t. I am not seeing Liz at the airport.

Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, phủ định : S + am/is/are + not + Ving

3. Look at Mrs.Lien’s diary for next week. Complete what she says she is doing next week.Use the words in the box.
On Monday evening I am going to a party with my friend, Lanh. On Tuesday evening I am working late for the meeting tomorrow. I am not doing anything on Wednesday evening. On Thursday evening I am  meeting my friend, Long at 8.30.I have an appointment with my dentist on Friday evening. I am seeing him at 6.30.Then on Saturday I am going to the movies with my family.What about you? What are you doing next week? Are you doing anything special?

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present progressive.
a-Hoa visits her parents once a year. 
b-Is Nam going to West Lake Water Park on his birthday ? 
c-What are you doing on your birthday? 
d-Hoa and Linh often play badminton after class. (badminton : cầu lông) 
e-I am having a rehearsal with my classmates tonight. 
f-Many people in the countryside still work sevens day a week. 
g-Mai is still in her room. She is ironing her clothes for next week. 
h-The street is becoming very crowded after 5 pm every day. 

5. Complete the sentences about the world today using comparative sentences with Get or BECOME
a-Computers are getting more important in our life.
b-The world’s population is getting bigger.
c-The problem of food for everyone in the world
 is becoming worse .
d-Many of the world’s seas, river, and lakes are becoming more polluted. 
e-Life is getting more automated .
f-Jobs for young people are getting harder to find. 

6. Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use comparative forms (-er or more...) or the superlatives (-est or the most...) with given adjectives.

7. Future intentions (I) or showing changes (C)? Check the correct column.
a. I
b. C
c. C
d. I
e. C
f. C
g. I
h. I
i. I
j. I

8. What are typical of city and country life? Put the following in groups.
In the city : supermarkets. modern hospitals, office work, flyovers, theme parks, luxury hotels, universities, post offices, parades, traffic jams, high rises, raising animals, growing flowers.
In the country post offices, farming, paddy fields, dams, harvesting, water wells, village festivals, raising animals, growing flowers.
Both post offices, water wells, raising animals, growing flowers.

So sánh nhất : S + be + the + tính từ ngắn + est + ...

9. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase. Circle A, B, C or D.
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A "New wine in old bottle" - Bình cũ rượu mới.
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. C

10. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. C
b. A
c. D
d. B
e. D
f. D

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án) 
Noisy: ồn ào
Friendly: thân thiện

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.