Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 10, 2015

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 8 : Country life and city life.

1. Write the full sentences ( expressing future arrangements). Put the verbs in the present progressive tense.
a. I am visiting my grandparents this Sunday.
b. Liz’s family are coming to stay there this week.
c. Is Ba working late tonight, too?
d. We aren’t coming home this weekend.
e. He is going to see the dentist this afternoon.
f. They are going back to the USA next two months

2. Complete the sentences,using the correct present progressive form of the verbs in the box to talk about future plans.
a)Will Hoa stay in Ha Noi for Tet holidays?
No.Hoa is leaving Ha Noi for Hue tomorrow.
b)What are Mai and Nga doing this evening?
Mai and Nga are studying in the library this evening. (library : thư viện)
c)Have the Robinsons stay there long?
No,not long. But they are moving to a new apartment next week.
d)When will you give me your drawing,Nam?
Oh,sorry.I am finishing it tonight and you will have it tomorrow morning, Miss.
e)Will Liz be able to join our Tet celebrations?
Don’t worry.She is flying back on Saturday afternoon.
f)Will you come to my party this Saturday?
I am afraid I can’t. I am not seeing Liz at the airport.

Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, phủ định : S + am/is/are + not + Ving

3. Look at Mrs.Lien’s diary for next week. Complete what she says she is doing next week.Use the words in the box.
On Monday evening I am going to a party with my friend, Lanh. On Tuesday evening I am working late for the meeting tomorrow. I am not doing anything on Wednesday evening. On Thursday evening I am  meeting my friend, Long at 8.30.I have an appointment with my dentist on Friday evening. I am seeing him at 6.30.Then on Saturday I am going to the movies with my family.What about you? What are you doing next week? Are you doing anything special?

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present progressive.
a-Hoa visits her parents once a year. 
b-Is Nam going to West Lake Water Park on his birthday ? 
c-What are you doing on your birthday? 
d-Hoa and Linh often play badminton after class. (badminton : cầu lông) 
e-I am having a rehearsal with my classmates tonight. 
f-Many people in the countryside still work sevens day a week. 
g-Mai is still in her room. She is ironing her clothes for next week. 
h-The street is becoming very crowded after 5 pm every day. 

5. Complete the sentences about the world today using comparative sentences with Get or BECOME
a-Computers are getting more important in our life.
b-The world’s population is getting bigger.
c-The problem of food for everyone in the world
 is becoming worse .
d-Many of the world’s seas, river, and lakes are becoming more polluted. 
e-Life is getting more automated .
f-Jobs for young people are getting harder to find. 

6. Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use comparative forms (-er or more...) or the superlatives (-est or the most...) with given adjectives.

7. Future intentions (I) or showing changes (C)? Check the correct column.
a. I
b. C
c. C
d. I
e. C
f. C
g. I
h. I
i. I
j. I

8. What are typical of city and country life? Put the following in groups.
In the city : supermarkets. modern hospitals, office work, flyovers, theme parks, luxury hotels, universities, post offices, parades, traffic jams, high rises, raising animals, growing flowers.
In the country post offices, farming, paddy fields, dams, harvesting, water wells, village festivals, raising animals, growing flowers.
Both post offices, water wells, raising animals, growing flowers.

So sánh nhất : S + be + the + tính từ ngắn + est + ...

9. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase. Circle A, B, C or D.
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A "New wine in old bottle" - Bình cũ rượu mới.
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. C

10. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. C
b. A
c. D
d. B
e. D
f. D

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án) 
Noisy: ồn ào
Friendly: thân thiện

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.

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