Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 8 : Country life and city life.

1. Getting started. Work with a partner. Make a list of the differences between the countryside and the city. The words in the box may help you.
City: many entertainments, many kinds of goods, modern, noisy, polluted air, tall buildings, traffic jam.
Country: friendly, fresh foods, beatiful viewsm, quiet/peaceful, fresh air, small houses/cottages, little traffic.

2. Listen and read. Answer the questions.
a. Na has been to the countryside.
b. She was there for the weekend.
c. She thinks the countryside is too quiet.
d. Maybe she means that the countryside is so boring. There is no entertainment, no libraries, no movies, no supermarkets, no zoos,... so there is nothing to do.
e. Many remote areas are getting electricity. People who live in these areas can now have things like refrigerators and TV. And medical facilities are more accessible.
f. I prefer the city because life in the city is more comfortable than the country. There are more entertainments, more schools, more libraries and more facilities.

3. Speak. Work with a partner. Look at the two pictures and talk about the changes of the town. The word prompts in the box may help you.
- The town is becoming busier and noisier.
- Vehicles are getting more modern.
- Urban views are becoming more beautiful.
- The traffic is getting busier.
- The air is becoming dirtier.
- The price is getting more expensive.

4. Listen. Fill in the missing words.
1. that
2. this
3. it's
4. where
5. from
6. coming
7. week
8. arriving
9. thursday
10. late
11. afternoon
12. speak
13. my
14. get

5. Read.
Complete the summry. Use information from the passage.
1. leaving
2. home
3. city
4. rural
5. city
6. problems
7. shools
8. hospitals
9. problem
10. world

Fill the word in the passage that means.
a. rural
b. plentiful
c. increase
d. strain
e. tragedy
f. urban

Put the outline for an informal letter in the correct order. If you don't remember, refer to the writing exercises in Unit 5.
- Heading : date, write's address.
- Opening
- Body of letter
- Closing

Write a letter to a friend about your neighborhood. These questions may help you.
23 Tran Hung Dao Street.
Buon Ma Thuot City
July 12th
Dear Lan,
I live with my family in a house on Tran Hung Dao Street. My house is not large but it's very nice. There are a living room, two bedrooms and a small ketchen in my house. In front of the house, there is a small yard with some flowers and plants. My sister and I share one bedroom. From our bedroom's window, I can see a lot of houses, trees and a top of a church. My house is not far from my school - it's about one kilometer so I go to school by bike. In my neighborhood, there are a large stadium, a restaurant and a swimming pool. As you know, I enjoy swimming therefore I like the swimming pool best. I go there every afternoon.
I have to do homework now, so I'll say goodbye. Please write to me as soon as you can and tell me all about your life.

7. Language focus.
1. Read the dialogues.
a. Mr. Tu: Is the boat to Nha Trang leaving at 11.35?
Clerk: Is that City of Hue?
Mr. Tu: That's right.
Clerk: It's leaving on time, sir.
b. Mrs. Nga: Is the boat from Ho Chi Minh City arriving at 10.30?
Clerk: Are you talking about Speed of Light?
Mrs. Nga: Yes
Clerk: I'm sorry, it's been delayed.
Mrs. Nga: Oh, no!
Clerk: Now, it's arriving at 12.35.

2. Complete the diagues. Use the verbs in the present progressive tense.
b. are doing
c. am watching
d. am going
e. are cleaning
f. am having

3. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs and adjectives in the boxes.
b. are getting weeker
c. is getting darket
d. is becoming colder
e. are getting better
f. is becoming cleaner

4. Make comparisons between the city and the coutry about these things. The adjectives in the box will help you.
b. busier than
c. easier than
d. fresher than
e. poorer than
f. more accessible than
g. better than
h. worse than

5. Look at the advertisements. Compare the house, the villa and apartment. Use the adjectives in the box.
a. The house is more expensive than the arpartment.
b. The arpartment is smaller than the villa.
c. The villa is the oldest home.
d. The villa is more beautiful than the house.
e. The partment is hotter than the house.
f. The villa is bigger than the arpartment.
g. The apartment is the smallest of the three.
h. The villa is the most expensive home.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.

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