Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.

1. Getting started.
a. A girl has a burn on her arm.
Cool the burn immediately with ice or cold water packs.
b. A girl has a nose bleed.
Raise her head back and use absorbent cotton or handkerchief to stop the bleeding.
c. A boy has a bad cut on his leg.
Clean the wound with alcohol. Then use bandage to cover the wound.
d. A boy has a bee sting.
Wash the sting. Then apply some balm on the sting to stop the sting from being swollen.

2. Listen and read. Select the topics covered in the dialogue.
a.b. c. e. f. : Yes
d. g. : No

3. Speak.
a. In the picture, a girl cut her finger.
Girl: Could you give me a bandage, please?
Father: Sure. Here you are.
b. In the picture, a boy is holding his head; perhaps he has a headache.
Sister: Can I get you some medicine?
Boy: Yes, please.
c. In the picture, a boy has been bitten by a snake.
Boy: Will you take me to the nearest clini, please?
Friend: Ok. Let's go.
d. In the picture, a woman looks very tires; perhaps she has a fever.
Daughter: Would you like an aspirin?
Mother: No. I'll go to see a doctor.
e. In the picture, a boy is holding a soccer ball, standing next to a broken vase; probably he has broken the vase.
Boy: I promise you i won't play ball in the house.
Mother: Don't forget.

4. Listen.
A. ambulance - 3
B. wheelchair - 2
C. cutches - 6
D. eye chart - 4
E. scale - 5
F. ctretcher - 1

5. Read.
A. Fainting
B. Shock
C. Fainting
D. Burns
E. Fainting

6. Write.
Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. was
2. were
3. helped
4. came
5. am
6. will phone

Write a thank-you note to a friend. Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you. Arrange to contact your friend. Use the following questions to guide your writing.
Dear Ba,
Thank you very much for the wallet you sent me on my birthday. It was very nice and I really liked it.
I have just finished my final exam, so I am free now. I think it might be nice to go on a picnic for the weekends. Will you go with me? We will go to Vung Tau on Saturday mornign and return on Sunday afternoon. I hope you'll join me.
I will telephone you on Thursday. Thanks again.
Your sincerely.

7. Language focus.
1. Match one part of a sentence from culumn A with another part in column B. Then write a complete sentence by using in order to/ so as to.
A - in order to - f
B - in order to - c
C. - so as to - b
D. - so as to - e
E. - so as to - a
F. - in order to - d

2. Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct word or short form.
1. will
2. will
3. won't
4. shall
5. will

3. Nga is helping her grandmother. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the words under each picture and will.
b. will you give it
c. will you answer the telephone
d. will you turn on the TV
e. will you pour a glass of water
f. will you get me a cushion

4. Work with a partner, look at the pictures. Make requests, offers or promises. Use the words in the box and will or shall.
a. Will you empty the garbage can, please?
I will do it right now/.
b. Will you paint the door, please?
Ok. I will paint it tomorrow.
c. Will you study harder, please?
I promise I'll try my best.
d. Shall I carry the basket?
Yes, please.
e. Will you hang the washing, please?
f. Will you cut the grass, please?
Sure. I will do it for you.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 10: Recycling

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