Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 10, 2015

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.

1. Underline and write the misspelt words.
a-A boy fell of his bike and became unconsious.
b-An ambulence came to take him to the hospital.
         ambulance : xe cứu thương
c-He was taken to the emmmergency unit.
d-There,doctors and nerses took care of him.
e-After two hours the boy revived and he feeled paint in his head.

2. Underline and write the inappropriate  words.
a-When you get burns you should ease the pain with warm water packs. (cold )
b-When a person gets shocked, don’t give him or her any sort drink or alcohol. ( food )
c-In a fainting case, you should give the patient a glass of wine when he / she revises. ( tea )
d-You should cover the wound of a dog bite with a clean, dry shirt.   ( dressing )
e-When you get cut, use a handkerchief to cover the pain.   (wound )

... + In order /so as + (not) + to + V1(nguyên mẫu)

3. List the words in the box under the appropriate headings. Them you can add more words that you know to the headings.
People/things involved in a first-aid : victim, nurse, doctor, ambulance, patient.
Cases that require a first-aid: dog bites, blooding, bee sting, shock, fainting, injuries, burns.
Ways/tools of the treatment : anti-tetanus injection, handkerchief, drug, cold water packs, sterile dressing, a running cold tap, cut, soap.

4. Choose the best word in the box for each blank.
A girl was riding her bike when she had an ( 1 ) accident .She fell off her bike and hit her head on the road. Her head was hurt and it was badly bleeding .However, she was still ( 2 ) conscious
It was an ( 3 ) emergency so people called an ( 4 ) ambulance in order to take her to hospital.While waiting for the ambulance, some people tried to stop the ( 5 ) bleeding by using a handkerchief to cover the ( 6 ) wound. Then they put ( 7 ) pressure on and held it tight.They tried to talk to her so as to keep her ( 8 ) awake. After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and the ( 9 ) victim was taken to hospital. Thanks to the timely and proper ( 10 ) first-aid the girl was safely rescued. (victim : bệnh nhân)

5. Read the following situations.Think of a purpose to explain the people’s actions.Use in order to / so as to with to-infinitive and the cues in brackets.
a) Perhaps she went to another store in order to get better milk of lower price.
b) Perhaps she called at a flower shop in order to buy some flowers for her friend’s birthday.
c) Perhaps she decided to go by bike in order to keep fit
d) Perhaps he ran to the telephone box to call an ambulance in order to take the victim to hospital.
"Silence is golden" - Im lặng là vàng.
6. Combine these dialogues with expression for requests, offers, promises or instructions.
a. Could you open the windows, please? 
b. Would you like to stop working and have something to eat? 
c. I will try. 
d. I promise. (Tôi hứa)
e. I will bring it back before 6.30.I promise. 
f. Would you send an ambulance to the corner of Tran Hung Dao and Phan Chu Trinh street ? 
g. Try to stop the bleeding. Use a towel to cover the wound. 
h. Give him or her a cup of tea.

7. Complete the sentences with will, 'll or won't.
a. 'll let
b. 'll lend
c. 'll do
d. 'll take
e. 'll have
f. 'll take
g. 'll help
h. won't stay

Thì tương lai, nghi vấn : Will + S + V1 + ...? - Yes, S will / No, S won't.

8. Use going or will with a suitable word from the box to complete the sentences.
a. won't be
b. am going to have
c. will be
d. will ... open
e. will ... get
f. is going to buy
g. will be
h. Will ... see

9. In what situations should we do the followings? Match a situation with a suitable what-to-do list.
1. Nosebleeding
2. Burns : bỏng
3. Bleeding
4. Broken Bones
5. Tooth
6. Bites and Scratches.

10. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. B
b. D
c. C
d. C
e. D

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