Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 10, 2015

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 7 : My Neighborhood

1. Write the past participle of the following verbs.
studied - seen
attended - been
played - done
lived - found
written - read

2. Complete the sentences. Put for or since into each gap.
a-He’s been in China  since January.
b-She’s lived in Hanoi since 1950.
c-They haven’t seen each other for long time.
d-My mother has worked in this hospital for 9 years.
e-Kate is looking after little John today. She ‘s been at my house since 8 o’clock this morning.
f-I’ve read this novel for 2 hours.
g-I have known her for some years.
h-We haven’t phoned each other since last week.

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành : S + have/has + Ved/V3 +...

3. Complete the dialogues.
A:Where do you live?
B: In a flat in Ha noi. (flat : căn hộ)
A: How long have you been there?
B: For 10 years
C: Do you have a bike?
D: Yes, I do
C:How long have you used your bike?
D: For seven years
E: What does your dad do.Hoa ?
F: He’s a doctor. He works in a hospital.
E: How long  has he worked there?
F: He has worked there for 8 years.
G: Do you know a young man called Tom?
H: Yes, I do.
G: How long have you known him?
H: For a long time

4. Answer the questions about you and your family.
a) I live in Ha Noi.
b) I have lived there about twenty-three years.
c) Yes, i do.
d) I have had it about two years.
e) Yes, I do.
f) I have learnt English over fifteen years.
g) My mom works in Home.
h) She has worked there over twenty-seven years.

5. Complete the following sentences.Use the past simple and present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
a-It started raining an hour ago.
b-I have known Lan for some months.
c-When did Nam and Hoa first meet?
d-We haven’t seen Nga since Monday.
e-Lan has been in the USA for 2 years.
f-I went to bed at 11 o’clock last night.
g-They moved to London in 2003.
h-They have lived in HCM city since January. 
i-That ‘s a very old bike.He have had it for a long time.
j-I bought the motorbike 5 years ago.
k-Peter has been ill for a week

V - V3, do - done, go - gone, give - given.

6. Complete Kate's questions using the words given in brackets.
a) Where do you live?
How long have you lived there?
Why have you moved?
b) What do you do?
How long have you worked there?
What have you done before that?

7. Read the situations and complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.
a. My bicycle isn’t as nice as yours.
b. Lan is as pretty as her sister.
c. Cats are different from dogs.
d. Mrs.Brown is the same age as Mrs.Brown.
e. His voice is different form his sister’s.
f. Ann gets the same salary as her husband.
g. The film was quite different from what I thought.
h. Your hair is the same colour as mine.
i. Jane’s taste is different from John.
j. Bill isn’t so intelligent as Jill.
k. I arrived here the same time as the guests.
"More dead than alive" - Thừa sống thiếu chết.
8. Change the adjectives to their comparative forms.
1. more crowded
2. more funny
3. more boring
4. better
5. move attractive
6. harder
7. more difficult
8. more anjoyable
9. more friendly
10. more common
11. more dirty
12. worse
13. thinner
14. more thoughtful
15. noisier
16. more generous
17. wiser
18. more polluted
19. busier
20. more narrow

For + khoản thời gian (for + six days/two years/a long time)

9. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a word from the box. There are more words than you need.
1. largest
2. largest
3. neighborhoods
4. museums
5. shops
6. entertainment
7. describe
8. cultural
9. center
10. attractions
11. natural : thiên nhiên
12. students
13. nations
14. around 
15. atmosphere
"Save and sound" - Bình an vô sự. 10. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. C
b. A
c. C
d. C
e. D

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án) 
Stadium: sân vận động
Neighborhood: hàng xóm

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