Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 10, 2015

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 6 : The young pioneers club.

1 Complete the dialogues to ask for favors or to offer asistance. Use the expressions in the box.
C: Can you empty waste-basket for me?
D: Of course.
C: Thanks. That's very kind of you.
E: Do you need any help?
F: Yes. Could you lift my bad? It's heavy. (lift : nâng)
E: No problem.
G: Let me help you.
H: Could you take this book?
G: Sure.
I: It's very dark in here.
J: How can i help you?
I: Could you open the window for me?
J: Certainly.

2. Complete the senteces using the correct present simple forms of the verbs in the box.
a) ... starts... finishes.
b) ...begins ... doeasn't end.
c) ...leaves ... reaches.
d)  is opened (bị động)
e) is
f) hold
g) goes

Would you like + to V, các trường hợp khác thì ... like + V ing

3. Write full sentences, using the present simple or past simple.
b) Bao helped his friends in the orphanage play volleyball last week.
c) Hoa and her friends raise fund for the poor and sell their embroideries in the school student's shop.
d) Song always plays soccer every Sarturday afternoon, but last Saturday afternoon he played basketball.
e) The students like take care of the trees in the parks. They planted nd watered trees and flowers in Kim Dong Park last weekend.
f) Hung loves attend the class social activities. He helps the alderly and the street children every Saturday and Sunday.

4. What do they plan to do this weekend? Write the sentences using the present simple.
a) Nga visits grand parent every Sunday.
b) Hoa pratices singing every morning Sunday.
c) Nam plays soccer with school team this weekend
d) Mr. and Mrs. Tuan prepare food for children's friends on Sunday (prepare: chuẩn bị)
e) Ba goes to Huong pagoda with classmates this weekend
f) Linh helps children play games on Saturday
g) Liz writes letters to friends in the usa this weekend
h) Mai and Hung fix chairs and desks in the classroom this weekend

5. Use the -ing form of the words in the box to complete the sentences below.
a) drinking
b) smoking
c) reading
d) learning ... practicing
e) replying ... writing
f) playing
g) cooking
h) eating
i) going

Sau giới từ là Ving (in/on/at/for/... + Ving)

6. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box.
a) coming
b) playing
c) driving
d) swimming
e) repairing : sửa chữa
f) talking
g) sewing
h) working
i) recycling
j) practicing
k) cooking
l) running
m) learning

7. Gerund or infinitive? Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a) to go
b) watching
c) doing
d) playing ...swimming
e) to do
f) collecting
g) to help
"Slow but sure" - Chậm mà chắc.
8. Fill in each gap with the correct form of a word or phrase from the box.
a. community center
b. senior center
c. funeral (2)
d. playground
e. school board
f. club
g. public library
h. park

9. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word. Circle A, B,C or D.

12. Read the passage and answer the mutiple-choice questions.
a) C
b) D
c) C
d) D
e) C

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án) 
Blind: người mù
World: thế giới

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