Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 12, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 unit 13: Festivals.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh lớp 8 unit 13: Festivals.
1. Getting started. Work with a partner. Where should these people go on their visited to Vietnam? Why?
1. Tom likes swimming and sunbathing. He should go to Nha Trang.
2. David is interested in ancient cities. He should go to hue or hoi an.
3. Huckleberry likes mountain climbing. He should go to Sa pa.
4. Oliver is keen on pottery. He should go to Hai Duong.
5. Robinson is fond of crowded place. He should go to ho chi Minh city.

2. Listen and read. True(T) or false(F)? Check(v) the boxes. Then correct the false sentences and write them in your exercise book.
A.F. One person from each team takes part in the water fetching contest.
B. F. One person must take one water bottle.
C. T
D.F. Pieces of bamboo are used to make the fire.
E. F. In the final contest, the judges taste the rice.
F. T

3. Speak.  Work with a partner. Mrs. Quyen is talking to Lan about their preparations for tet. Put their sentences in the correct order. Start like this.
Mrs. Queen : 1,7,3,5,9.
Lan: 2,8,4,10,6.

4. Listen.
1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps.
A... Her husband... Flower market
B... Traditional
C... Dried watermelon
D... Make

2. Complete the notes.
Mrs. Robinson: Go to the flower market and buy some preach blossom and a bunch of marigolds.
Liz: Go to the market and pick up some candy and one packet of dried and watermelon seeds.
Mrs. Robinson: Go to Mrs. Nga's house and learn how to make spring rolls.

5. Read.
1. Complete the table.
Christmas tree-Riga-early 1500s
Christmas card-England-mid 19th century.
Christmas carols- - 800 years ago.
Santa Claus-USA-1023

2. Answer the questions.
A. The Christmas tree came to the USA in the 1800s.
B. Because he wanted to send Christmas greeting to his friends.
C. Christmas songs were first performed eight hundred years ago.
D. Clement Clarke Moore an American professor wrote this poem.
E. Santa Claus is based on the description of saint Nicholas in the poem.

6. Write. Use the information in the dialogue listen and read to fill in the gaps in this report.
1. Rice-cooking
2. One
3. Water fetching
4. Run
5. Water
6. Traditional
7. Bamboo
8. Six
9. Separate
10. Added

7. Language focus.
1. Use the passive forms of the verbs in the box. Decided whether the time is part, present or future.
A... Were performed
B... Was decorated... Put
C. Is made
D. Will be held
E. Was awarded
F. Was written

2. Complete the conversation. Use the verbs in the box.
1. Jumbled
2. Broken
3. Broken
4. Scattered
5. Pulled

3. Rewrite the sentences in your exercise book. Use a compound word in your sentences.
A. It's a fire-making contest.
B. It's a bull-fighting festival.
C. The united states has a big car-making industry.
D. Last week Tran Hung Dao school held a flower-arranging contest.
E. Vietnam is a rice-exporting country.
F. This is a clothes-washing machine.

4. Yesterday Lan's grandmother, Mrs. Thu, needed a plumber. A man came to her door. Report what the man told Mrs. Thu.
B. He said he could fix the faucets.
C. He said the pipes were broken.
D. He said he pipes were very expensive.
E. He said she had to pay him then.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 unit 14: Wonders of the world.

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