Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 12, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 4: Learning a foreign language.

1. Getting started.

2. Listen and read. Answer. What exactly did the ecaminer ask Lan? Look at the list of questions and check (v) the boxes.
Check : 1,2,6,7,8,9,10,14

3. Speak

4. Listen. Nga is talking to Kate about her studying English. Listen to their conversation. Check (v) the boxes and correct the false sentences.
a. T
b. T
c. F. She works for an international bank in Ha Noi
d. T
e. F. Her listening is terrible
f. T

5. Read. Read the notes Mr. Lam made. Then look at the advertisements and choose a suitable language school for him. Give reasons for your choice.
Mr. Lam should choose the Foreign Language Council where he can study English in an intermediate class early evening which starts in November.

6. Write. Read the advertisement in READ again. Choose one of the schools you want to attend to improve your English. Write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees. Follow the outline below.
Phan Dang Luu street
Buon Ma Thuot city, DakLak province, Viet Nam
April 11, 2015
Dear sir,
I have read your Institute's advertisement in today's edition of the Viet Nam News.
I am interested in learning English and I would like some more information about your Institute.
I read and write a little English, but I have trouble with speaking and listening so now I want to improve these skills. Would you be so kind as to provide information about the course and fees? I can supply my record of English study if necessary.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Thanh Ha

7. Language focus. 
1. Complete the sentences. Use the modal verbs in brackets and the information in the box.
c. you should do exercise
d. he might miss the train
e. you ought to stay in bed
f. you must do your homework

2. Complete the table.
present simple tense > past simple tense ; this > that ; these > those
Present progressive tence> past progressive tense ; here>there
future simple tense> would verb ; now > then
can/may > could/might ; today > that day
must > had to ; tomorrow > the following day

3. Lan's father held a party to celebrate his mother's birthday. Unfortunately, Mrs. Thu, her grandmother, has a hearing problem and she couldn't hear what people were saying. After the party, Lan reported everything to her grandmother.
a. Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious
b. Miss Nga said she loved those roses
c. Cousin Mai said she was having a wonderful time there
d. Mr. Chi said he would go to Hue the following day
e. Mrs. Hoa said she might have a new job
f. Mr. Quang said he had to leave then

4. This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job. When she arrived home, she told her mother about the interview.
a. She asked me how old I was
b. She asked me if my school was near there
c. She asked me what the name of my school was
d. She asked me if I went to school by bicycle
e. She asked me which grade I was in
f. She asked me whether I could use a computer
g. She asked me why I wanted that job
h. She asked me when my school vacation started

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 5: The media.

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