Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 12, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 9: Natural disasters

1. Getting started. Match the pictures to the correct words. Then compare your answers with a partner's.
1. snowstorm
2. earthquake
3. vocano
4. typhoon

2. Listen and read. Fill in each blank with one word or phrase from the dialogue.
1. turn up
2. weather forecast
3. rainy
4. central highlands
5. have temperatures... watching them

3. Speak. 
a. Check (v) what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon.
Buying some canned food
Buying candles
Buying candles
Buying matches
Filling all buckets with water
Buying a ladder
Fixing the leak in the roof
Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes
Checking all the window and door latches

b. Now work with a partner: Talk about what you think you want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon; explain why. The ideas in the box may help you.
A. I think we should buy some candles and matches before a typhoon
B. Yes, I think so too. There may be a power cut

A. I think we should full all the buckets with water before a typhoon
B. What for?
A. Because the water pipes may be damaged by them typhoon

A. I think we should check all the window and door latches.
B. Why?
A. Because it will be raining hard

4. Listen. An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes. Listen to the talk, then complete the table.
1. bottom shelf of your bookshelves
2. fridge
3. washing machine
4. mirrors
5. a window
6. inside
7. under a strong table
8. doorway
9. corner of a room

5. Read.
a. True or False? Check (v) the boxes.

b. Complete the sentences.
1. occur around the Pacific Rim
2. people were killed when homes, office blocks and highways collapsed
3. there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the each
4. a "cyclone"
5. the word "typhoon"
6. passes overland below a thunderstorm

6. Write. Use the pictures and the words in the box to write a story. You can make changes or add more details to the story.
It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. Lan was out side playing with her dog, Skippy. All of a sudden the dog began behaving strangely. She kept running around in circles and didn't seem to be herself. Lan immediately ran home with the dog to tell her mother what Skippy was doing. Lan's mother, Mrs. Quyen, told Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming. Then she gathered all family members and told them to find shelters in the house.
Suddenly, the sky becam very dark, the storm came with string winds and heavy rain. Everybody were scared, but fortunately, the storm finished soon and they all felt very glad. What a clever dog Skippy is! She saved Lan's family from being caught in the typhoon.

7. Language focus.
1. Use your knowledge to answer the questions. Use "who","which" or "that" in your answers and start your  answers with the words given.
a. The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe
b. The country which won the 1998 Tiger Cup is Singapore
c. The animal which has one or two horns on its snout it rhinoceros
d. The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus
e. The planet which is closest to the Earth is Venus
f. The animal which was chosen to be the logo of SEA Games 2003 is the buffolo
g. The ASEAN country which is divided intwo regions by the sea is Malaysia
h. The food which you can chew but you cannot swallow is the chewing gum; and the thing you can swallow but you cannot chew is water

2. Match each of the sentences in column A with a related sentence in column B. Then use a suitable relative pronoun to join the two sentences.

3. Underline the ralative clause in the sentence. Then add commas to separate the non-defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence
b. Kangaroos, which come from Australia, have long tails
c. Ba, who lives in Trang Tien Street, likes playing the guitar
d. The novel which you gave me on my birthday has been lost
e. Neil Armstrong, who first walked on the moon, lived in the USA
f. The chaur which I bought yesterday is broken
g. Miss Lien, who sings very well, is my English teacher

4. Rewrite the sentencse in Exercise 3. Replace each underlined clause with a clause you have written. You may use facts or your imagination.
Ba, who won the first prize in the contest, likes playing the guitar
The novel that I bought last week has been lost
Neil Armstrong, who was my idol, lived in the USA
The chair that was repaired yesterday is broken
Miss Lien, who is wearing a blue blouse, is my English teach

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 10: Life on other planets

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