Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 12, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 5: The media.

1. Getting started.

2. Listen and read.
a. Complete the table with the passage letters in which these facts or events are mentioned.
1D,2B, 3B, 4C, 5A, 6D

b. Answer the questions.
1. A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing a bell to shout the latest news as he was walking.
2. "Kien thuc ngay nay" is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults.
3. People can get the latest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and international programs is a covenient way.
4. I read magazines and newspapers which are informative. They are the Kien Thuc Ngay Nay and the Tuoi Tre.
5. I like television because it is inexpensive and convenient.

3. Speak.Now make similar dialogues. Talk about the programs you like and dislike.
A. You like watching foreign films, don't you?
B. Not really. Some foreign films are so violent and some are just only for adults, so I don't like watching them. I prefer Wildlife World.
A. I enjoy them, too. I also love watching Children's Corner.
B. But you don't like watching sports, do you?
A. No, I don't really like watching sports. I prefer music programs.
B. I'm the opposite. I love watching sports, especially football, and most of the music programs on TV seem boring to me.
A. You watch Cartoon, don't you?
B. Yes. It's very interesting. It's my favorite program.

4. Listen. Listen to a conversation between Chau and her father. Fill in the table with the information you hear.
a. the late 19th century
b. Radio and newsreels
c. in the 1950s
d. The internet

5. Read. Answer.
1. Asndra uses the Internet to get nformation and to communicate with her friends and ralatives.
2. Because she lives in the countryside where the Internet is unavailable
3. Axxording to Huansui, people use the Internet for many porposes: education, communication, entertainment and commerce.
4. Internet is used for many purposes: communication, getting information, education, entertainment and commerce.
5. Yes. There are come disadvantages: time-consuming, costly, dangerous(because of viruses and bad programs). Sometimes users have to suffer risks such as junk mail and personal information leaking.
6. I agree
7. In my thingking, Internet is a very fast and convenient way to get information. It's also a fast and cheep way to communicate by means of e-mail, chatting, etc. However, it really has some bad programs which can have bad effects on the users. Be careful to get access to the internet!

6. Write. Read the forum on the Internet in the reading text again (read). Write a passage about the benefits of the Internet. You can use the following cues.
- No one can deny the benefits of the Internet in our life.
- The Internet is a very fast and convenient way to get information. It is an update source of information where you can get the latest local and global news. You can check weather conditions before you go on a picnic, you can find time-table and maps for your trip, you can book tickets for your flight or reserve rooms in a hotel...
- The Internet is a diversified source of entertainment: you can listen to music, watch films or play games. You can communicate with friends or relatives on the other side of the earth very quickly by e-mail or chatting.
- The Internet is also a means of education where you can teach yourself. There are on-line schools for you to further your education or to study for a degree. There are on-like lessons for you to learn English as well as many other subjects...
- People can use the Internet for many purposes: information, entertainment, education, etc... It is really a wonderful invention of our modern life.

7. Language focus.
1. Complete the dialogues with the correct tag.
a. haven't you
b. didn't he
c. wasn't it
d. do you
e. aren't we

3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about each item in the box.
- Do you like playing soccer?
Yes, I do/ No, I hate it
- Do you enjoy fishing?
Yes, I love it./I don't know. I've never tried it
- Do you like movies?
Yes, very much/ No, I don't
- Are you interested in detective stories?
Yes, I'm/ No, I hate it
- Do you like candy?
Yes, I like it/ I don't know.
- Are you interested in music?
Yes, I'm very much interested in it / No, I'm not

4. Use the words in the three boxes to write true sentences about your parents, siblings, relatives, friends and yourself.
- My father likes watching sports but my mother doesn't. She loves listening to music.
- My mother loves listening to advertisements but my uncle doesn't. He enjoys playing games.
- My uncle enjoys playing games but my aunt doen't. She likes writing letters.
- My aunt dislike writing articles but my uncle does. He enjoys writing them.
- My younger brother hates reading letters but my olfer brother does. He likes reading them.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 6: The invironment.

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