Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 12, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 8: Celebrations.

1. Getting started. Work with a partner. Match the icons with the names of the celebrations they represent.
1. Easter
2. Wedding
3. birthday
4. christmas
5. Mid-fall festival
6. Lunar New Year

2. Listen and read. Now, complete the table.
Tet - in late January or early February - cleaning and decorating homes, wearing new clothes and enjoying special food - sticky rice cakes - Vietnam
Passover - late March or early April - (not avaiable) - special meal called the Seder - Israel
Easter - around the same time as Passover - People crowd the streets to watch colorful parades - chocolate or sugar eggs - in many countries.

3. Speak.
a. Read the following situations with a partner, then give and reapond to approproate compliments.
b. Mother: Well done, Huyen
Huyen: Thanks, Mom
c. Friends: Congratulations on your nomination, Tuan
Tuan: It's nice of you to say go
d. You: That's an excellent drawing, Hoa
Hoa: That's very kind of you.

b. Now think of situation in which you can compliment your friends and get responses from him/her/them, then make up dialogues with your partner.
A: Your memory is very good.
B: It's very nice of you to say so.

A: This shirt looks good on you.
B: Thank you.

A: Your speech was excellent.
B: I'm very happy you think so.

A: I think your dress is very beautiful.
B: I'm glad you think so.

A: That was a very successful performance.
B: Thank you for saying so.

4. Listen. Listen to the song Auld Lang Syne and full in the missing words.
a. days
b. take
c. mind
d. kindness

5. Read. Answer.
a. I think she sends this card to her Dad
b. Jane's father is possibly dead. The ideas that may tell me about that are: ... how much you are missed and loved,... I now have children, Dad.
c. His sense of humor distinguishes him from others.
d. A father can be a teacher, a friend, a caretaker, or an ideal to his children

6. Write. In Viet Nam people do not celebrate Mother's day or Father's day. You think it is necessary to have a day to celebrate for your mom and another for your dad. Write to a friend to share this idea. Follow this outline.
Dear Minh,
This morning I just learned a lesson about Father's day. It was really interesting. In Vietnam, however, people do not celebrate Mother's day or Father's day. In my opinion, it's necessary/important/essential to have a day to celebrate for Mom and another day for Dad.
There are lots of reasons for celebrating these days, but the main reasons are the children will have a pecial day to express their feelings, their memories and their love to their parents. In addition, we'll have an opportunity to enhance family traditions as well as a chance to get all members of families together in order to bring the closer.
I think Sunday is the most suitable day for celebrating because it's a day off so everybody is free from work or study.
It's not necessary to have parties, but it's a good idea to have lunch or dinner with all family members. In this special day, children should serve their parents (with) the food they like best and offer them flowers, cakes or special gifts and cards.
What do you think about my idea, Minh? I believe it will be supported and the day for our parents will be celebrated nationwide someday.

7. Language focus.
1. Join the sentences. Use relative clauses
a. Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New Year's Eve
b. This watch is gift which was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday
c. My friend Tom. who sings Western folk songs very well, can compose songs
d. We often go to the town cultural house, which always opens on public holidays
e. I like reading books which tell about different peoples and their cultures
f. On my mom's birthday my dad gave her roses. which were very sweet and beautiful
g. Judy liked the full-moon festival, which is celebrated in mid-fall, very much
h. Tomorrow I'll go to the airport to meet my friends, who come to stay with us during the Christmas.

2. Describe each of the people in the pictures. Use relative clause.
My family:
- My dad is the man who is behind my sister Linda
- Linda is the little girl who is standing betwwen my dad and my mom
- My mom is the woman sitting in the armchair
- I'm the boy who is behind my mother
My Aunt's family
- Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his mother's lap
- Uncle John is the man who is between my grandmother and my aunt
- My grandmother is the woman who is sitting on the right side of my aunt
- Aunt Judy is the woman who is having Jack on her lap

3. Join the sentences. Use the words in brakets. The first is done for you.
b. Although we don't have a Mother's day in Vietnam, dad and I have special gifts and parties for my mom every year on the 8th of March.
c. We went to Ha Noi to watch the parade on the National Day last year even though we live in Nam Dinh
d. Many tourists enjoy festivals in Vietnam though they do not understand Vietnamese culture very much.
e. Even though in Australis Christmas season is in summer, the Australians enjoy Christmas as much as people in European countries do
f. Although Jim came to the show late due to the traffic jam, he could see the main part of the show

4. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Use the correct tense of the verbs and the information.
b. she is still watching TV now
c. the weather bureau predicted the weather would be fine
d. ate a lot of food
e. tried to finish her letter

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 9 Unit 9: Natural disasters

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