Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 11, 2016

Giải sách sách khoa tiếng anh lớp 10 Unit 11: National Parks & Test Yourself D

Task 1. Tìm các từ trong những đoạn văn trên phù hợp với các định nghĩa sau:
2. contain
3. species
4. survival
5. sub-tropical
6. contamination

Task 2. Trả lời những câu hỏi sau:
1. 200 square km.
2. Because the rainy season is over.
3. They can learn about the habits of animals and how one species is dependent upon another for survival.
4. In the Orphanage, orphaned and abandoned animals are taken care of.
5. Everglades National Park is endangered because of the toxic levels of chemicals in the water.
6. If more chemicals are released into the water, plants and animals will die.

Task 1. Tuần trước lớp Nga đi thăm Chùa Hương. Rủi thay, chuyến đi hóa ra rất kinh khủng. Mọi chuyện họ thực hiện đều sai lệch. Hãy nối những điều ở cột A với những hậu quả tương ứng ở cột B và nói lớn những câu đó ra.
1.f - 2.e - 3.h - 4.g - 5.b - 6.c - 7.a - 8.d

Task 2. Một số học sinh trong lớp của Nga không vui về chuyến đi Chùa Hương. Giờ đây họ đang nói chuyện về những gì mà họ ước ao đã làm hoặc đã không làm.
- If we had brought enough food, we wouldn't have had to spend a lot of money eating in expensive restaurants.
- If we hadn't had food poisoning, we could have enjoyed our visit.
- If we had had raincoats, we wouldn't have got wet and had a cold.
- If we hadn't left our luggage on the coach when we arrived, we would have had clothes and money with us.
- If we had been more careful when walking in Huong Pagoda, we wouldn't have got lost.
- If we hadn't thrown waste in the forest, we wouldn't have got a fine.
- If we had stayed there more than one day, we could have visited all the pagodas.

Task 1. Nghe và điền vào thông tin còn thiếu.
1. 1960
2. 160km south west of
3. 100000 visitors
4. 2000 - 450
5. surprise attack

Task 2. Hãy nghe lại và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.
1. It covers 3 provinces: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa.
2. It is about 160 km.
3. They come there to see the work being done to protect endangered species.
4. Nguyen Hue defeated the Qing invaders in 1789.
5. They live mainly on bee keeping and farming.

Task 1. Dưới đây là một số cách thông thường để chấp nhận hay từ chối một lời mời. Đọc và điền vào một khoảng trống một cụm từ thích hợp.
1. Chấp nhận - I'd love to go with you!
2. Từ chối - I'm afraid I can't come because.
3. Chấp nhận - That's a great idea.

Task 2. Hãy sắp xếp những câu sau để tạo thành một bức thư chấp nhận lời mời đến nghỉ cuối tuần ở miền quê.
1.d - 2.e - 3.c - 4.a - 5.f - 6.b

Task 3. Một người bạn mời bạn đi dã ngoại ở Vườn Quốc Gia Cúc Phương cuối tuần sau. Viết một thư trả lời chấp nhận hay từ chối lời mời.
 Dear Doan Nghi,
 Thank you very much for your letter inviting to go on a picnic to Cuc Phuong. You know how I want to visit this national park but I'm afraid I can't go with you. In two weeks' time, I will have a very important examination at the language centre so I will spend my next weekend to review my lessons.
 I wish you a nice trip. Give my best regards to your family.
 An Hien

Exercise 1. Hoàn chỉnh các câu sau, sử dụng dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.
1. had known
2. had had
3. would have gone
4. would have passed
5. would have enjoyed
6. had known
7. had stopped
8. had called

Exercise 2. Viết câu với If trong các tình huống sau.
1. If the driver in front hadn't stopped so suddenly, the accidents wouldn't have happened.
2. If I had known Lam had to get up early, I would have waken him up
3. If Hoa hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to buy the car.
4. If Mary hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she would have been injured.
5. If you had had breakfast, you would be hungry now.
6. If I had had money with me, I would have gotten a taxi.

Exercise 3. Sử dụng các thông tin cho sẵn để viết câu điều kiện với If
1. If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I would have waited on your table.
2. If they had been paying attention, they would have seen the sign marking their exit from the highway.
3. If Carol hadn't been studying, she would have answered the phone.
4. If the sun hadn't been shining, we wouldn't have gone to the beach yesterday.
5. If the music hadn't been played loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard everything Mr. Lee said during the dinner.

I. Listen.
1. They go to national park to enjoy nature.
2. It became a national park in 1872.
3. No. It is the largest.
4. It has seventy gerseys.
5. They mustn't pick flowers, feed or hunt animals.

II. Read.
1. Tìm các từ và cụm từ có nghĩa như sau:
a. Junk and litter
b. landscape
c. highway
d. healthy

2. Xác định những câu nào sau đây đúng(T), những câu nào sai (F).
a,b,e,f -T
c,d -F

III. Grammer
Chia động từ trong ngoặc theo dạng đúng.
a. has been cleaned - have been turned on - are waiting
b. knew - would help - knows
c. decided - to stay - wouldn't have been - had gone out

IV. Write
Hoàn chỉnh bức thư mới sau, sử dụng từ và cụm từ gợi ý.
 You will be delighted to know father is giving a party to celebrate the New Year. He has invited some of our relatives and his friends to make the party a success.
 I have also invited a number of my friends in the neighbourhood. Mother has asked me to tell you to come home for the New Year celebration.
 I'm sure you will be here in time to share the fun with us on that day.

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