Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 11, 2016

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh lớp 10 unit 8: The story of my village & Test yourself C

Hoạt động trước khi đọc.
Làm việc theo cặp. Xem tranh và thảo luận các vấn đề sau:
1. Những người trong bức tranh này đang làm gì?
2. Họ đang làm việc như thế nào?
3. Bạn nghĩ gì về vụ mùa?
4. Điều gì giúp có được một vụ mùa tốt?

Task 1. Những từ ở cột A xuất hiện trong bài đọc. Hãy nối chúng với các định nghĩa ở cột B.
1.b 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.c

Task 2. Bài đọc cho chúng ta biết nhiều đổi thay trong làng. Hãy điền vào bảng dưới đây.

 Areas of change
 made of straw and mud
 made of bricks
 radio and tv
 few radios or TVs
 radios for news, TVs for entertainment
 farming methods
old methods 
 new technical and scientific methods
 poor crops
 bumper crops
 no motorbikes

Task  3. Hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
1. Life was very simple and the village were in need of many things.
2. Because they hope that with an education of science and technology their children could find a way of doing their lives better.
3. They introduced new farming methods which resulted in bumper crops and helped the villages grow cash crops for export.
4. He said that the knowlede the young people brought home has changed their lives.
5. He said:" You should study harder so that you can do even more for the village than your parents did".

Task 1. Dân làng Hà Xuyên đang thảo luận kế hoạch để cải thiện cuộc sống trong làng. Hãy nối những kế hoạch và kết quả có thể đạt được.
1.b 2.g 3.d 4.e 5.f 6.c 7.a

Task 2. Dân làng đang thảo luận kế hoạch của mình. Đọc và luyện tập mẫu đối thoại sau theo nhóm ba người.

Task 3. Làm việc theo nhóm. Hãy tiếp tục mẫu nói chuyện sử dụng các ý tưởng trong bảng ở Task 1. Hãy thêm những kết quả khác nếu bạn muốn.
A. Next, we should build a medical centre.
B. Great. If we build a medical centre,people will not have to go to the town when they are ill.
C. And we can cure our illness in time.
A. We should also build a football ground for the young people to play sports.
B. Yes. If we have a football ground, we can help the young avoid social crimes easily.
C. Why don't we grow cash crops? If we grow cash crops, we can earn more money.
A. If we have more money, we will build a bridge over the canal.
B. It sound good. If we build a bridge over the canal, we will have a shorter wat to town.
C. After all, we should build a new school for the children. If we build a new school, our children will have better learning conditions.

Task 1. xác định xem những câu sau đúng (T) hay sai (F).
1,2,4,5 - F

Task 2. Hãy nghe lại và điền vào các khoảng trống.
1. houses
2. hotel
3. widened
4. cut
5. car
6. shop
7. department
8. expensive

Task 1. Jim quyết định đến nhà Ann nghỉ hè. Ann viết thư cho cậu ấy để chỉ đường đến nhà. Đọc thư và xem bản đồ, hãy xác định nhà Ann trên bản đồ.

Task 2. Hãy đọc lại bức thư. Gạch dưới những từ và cụm từ bạn có thể dùng để chỉ đường.
get out of - turn right/left - keep walking - get over (a bridge) - walk past
take the first/second turning on your left/right - it's the one with.

Task 3. Nhà bạn ở vị trí A trên bản đồ. Hãy viết thư cho Jim chỉ đường đến nhà bạn cho cậu ấy từ ga xe lửa Roston.
 When you come out of the station, turn right. Keep walking about 5 minutes you'll see a small bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, walk past the medical centre and then the car park, then take the second turning on your left. Walk past a souvenir shop on you right. Mine is the second house from the shop.

Exercise 1.
1. An old farmer said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the knowledge their children had brought home.
2. She said she was going to HCM city soon.
3. I thought the film would be interesting .
4. She said she couldn't help me because she had too much to do.
5. Rick told me that Ann had written Jim a letter.
6. He told me that it had taken him three hours to get there because the roads were flooded.
7. She said she thought it was a crazy idea and it wouldn't work.
8. He announced that breakfast was served between 7:00 and 9:00.

Exercise 2.
1. told 2. said 3.said 4.told 5.talked

Exercise 3.
 If i don't go out so much, I'll do more homework. If do more homework, I'll pass my exam. If I pass my exam, I'll go to medical college. If I go to medical college. I'll study medicine. If I study medicine, I'll become a doctor. If I become a doctor. I'll be able to cure disease and help sick people.

Exercise 4.
1. if
2. when
3. if
4. if
5. when

I. Listening.
1,2,4 - F
3,5 - T
1. aren't
2. evenings
3. cinemas
4. theatres
5. knows

II. Reading.
1. Because people can sit at their home to enjoy it. They don't have to arrange the transport or pay for expensive seats at the theatre or in the cinema.
2. They can see plays, films of every kind, political discussions and football matches.
3. Because they need to do nothing. They don't even use their legs. They make no choice and have everything presented to them.
4. If we get to like watching. TV too much, it begins to dominate our lives.
5. TV in itself is neither good nor bad. It is as good or as bad as we make it.

III. Grammer
1. have been - haven' had.
2. haven't given - have paid
3. said
4. had taken
5. thought - would come
6. told - have got

IV. Write.
 When you come out of  the bus station, turn right and walk along King Street until you reach the traffic lights. Turn left at the traffic lights into Redham Road. Go straight along the road. The restaurant is on the left, after Beach Parade, It's quite easy to find.

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