Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 10: Recycling

1. Getting started. Think of ways we can reduce the amount of garbage we produce.
We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
You're right. We shoulg also reuse plastic bags.
We should use tree leaves to wrap things.
We should reuse used papers to make toys.
We should use garbage to make fertilizer.
We should use vegetable matter to make animal food.

2. Listen and read. Answer.
a. Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged.
b. We can reuse things like envelops, glass and plastic bottles and old plastic bags.
c. Recycle means not to throw things away. Try and find another use for them.
d. We can look for information on recycling things by having contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library, or asking our family and friends.

3. Speak. Look at the pictures and decide which group each item belongs to.
Paper: used paper, old newspapers, used envelopes, old books,...
Glass: bottles, glasses, jars,...
Plastic: plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic wares, plastic buckets,...
Metal: food cans, drinking cans, tins, screws,...
Vegetable matter: fruit peels, vegetables,...
Fabric: clothes, pieces of materials,...
Leather: shoes, sandals, leather belts, leather schoolbags,...

4. Listen. Check (v) the correct answer.
a. A
b. B
c. B
d. B

5. Read.
a. People clean them and refill them with milk.
b. The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
c. The Oregon government made a new law. They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.
d. Compost is made from hiusehold and garden waste.
e. If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax at 5265456.

Work with a partner. Complete the sentences to make a list of recycled things.
a. Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings.
b. Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled (with milk).
c. Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
d. Drink cans are brought back for recycling.
e. Household and garden waste is made into compost.

6. Write.
Complete the recycling instructions. Use the verbs in the box.
1. use
2. mix
3. place
4. press
5. wrap
6. wait
7. dry

Make the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves, using the given words in the box.
a. First, take the used tea leaves from the tea pot.
b. Next, scatter the tea leaves on tray.
c. Then dry the leaves in the sun.
d. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use.

7. Language focus.
1. Work with a partner. Read a guide on how to recycle glass. Look at the instructions, rewrite them in the passive form and put the pictures in the correct order.
a. The glass is broken into small pieces. 1
b. Then the glass is washed with a detergent liquid. 4
c. The glass pieces are dried completely. 3
d. They are mixed with certain special chemicals. 5
e. The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid. 2
f. A long pipe is used, it is dipped into the liquid, then the liquid is blown. 6

2. A famous inventer, Dr. Kim, is going to build a time machine. One of his assistants, Hai, is asking him questions about the invention. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. will be shown
2. will it be built
3. will be finished
4. will it be made

3. Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box.
b. easy to understand
c. hard to believe
d. dangerous to go
e. important to wait.

4. Complete the letter. Use the correct forms of the verb be and the adjectives in the box.
1. was happy
2. am relieved
3. is afraid
4. Are you sure
5. am certain

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 11: Traveling around Vietnam.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.

1. Getting started.
a. A girl has a burn on her arm.
Cool the burn immediately with ice or cold water packs.
b. A girl has a nose bleed.
Raise her head back and use absorbent cotton or handkerchief to stop the bleeding.
c. A boy has a bad cut on his leg.
Clean the wound with alcohol. Then use bandage to cover the wound.
d. A boy has a bee sting.
Wash the sting. Then apply some balm on the sting to stop the sting from being swollen.

2. Listen and read. Select the topics covered in the dialogue.
a.b. c. e. f. : Yes
d. g. : No

3. Speak.
a. In the picture, a girl cut her finger.
Girl: Could you give me a bandage, please?
Father: Sure. Here you are.
b. In the picture, a boy is holding his head; perhaps he has a headache.
Sister: Can I get you some medicine?
Boy: Yes, please.
c. In the picture, a boy has been bitten by a snake.
Boy: Will you take me to the nearest clini, please?
Friend: Ok. Let's go.
d. In the picture, a woman looks very tires; perhaps she has a fever.
Daughter: Would you like an aspirin?
Mother: No. I'll go to see a doctor.
e. In the picture, a boy is holding a soccer ball, standing next to a broken vase; probably he has broken the vase.
Boy: I promise you i won't play ball in the house.
Mother: Don't forget.

4. Listen.
A. ambulance - 3
B. wheelchair - 2
C. cutches - 6
D. eye chart - 4
E. scale - 5
F. ctretcher - 1

5. Read.
A. Fainting
B. Shock
C. Fainting
D. Burns
E. Fainting

6. Write.
Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. was
2. were
3. helped
4. came
5. am
6. will phone

Write a thank-you note to a friend. Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you. Arrange to contact your friend. Use the following questions to guide your writing.
Dear Ba,
Thank you very much for the wallet you sent me on my birthday. It was very nice and I really liked it.
I have just finished my final exam, so I am free now. I think it might be nice to go on a picnic for the weekends. Will you go with me? We will go to Vung Tau on Saturday mornign and return on Sunday afternoon. I hope you'll join me.
I will telephone you on Thursday. Thanks again.
Your sincerely.

7. Language focus.
1. Match one part of a sentence from culumn A with another part in column B. Then write a complete sentence by using in order to/ so as to.
A - in order to - f
B - in order to - c
C. - so as to - b
D. - so as to - e
E. - so as to - a
F. - in order to - d

2. Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct word or short form.
1. will
2. will
3. won't
4. shall
5. will

3. Nga is helping her grandmother. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the words under each picture and will.
b. will you give it
c. will you answer the telephone
d. will you turn on the TV
e. will you pour a glass of water
f. will you get me a cushion

4. Work with a partner, look at the pictures. Make requests, offers or promises. Use the words in the box and will or shall.
a. Will you empty the garbage can, please?
I will do it right now/.
b. Will you paint the door, please?
Ok. I will paint it tomorrow.
c. Will you study harder, please?
I promise I'll try my best.
d. Shall I carry the basket?
Yes, please.
e. Will you hang the washing, please?
f. Will you cut the grass, please?
Sure. I will do it for you.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 10: Recycling

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 8 : Country life and city life.

1. Getting started. Work with a partner. Make a list of the differences between the countryside and the city. The words in the box may help you.
City: many entertainments, many kinds of goods, modern, noisy, polluted air, tall buildings, traffic jam.
Country: friendly, fresh foods, beatiful viewsm, quiet/peaceful, fresh air, small houses/cottages, little traffic.

2. Listen and read. Answer the questions.
a. Na has been to the countryside.
b. She was there for the weekend.
c. She thinks the countryside is too quiet.
d. Maybe she means that the countryside is so boring. There is no entertainment, no libraries, no movies, no supermarkets, no zoos,... so there is nothing to do.
e. Many remote areas are getting electricity. People who live in these areas can now have things like refrigerators and TV. And medical facilities are more accessible.
f. I prefer the city because life in the city is more comfortable than the country. There are more entertainments, more schools, more libraries and more facilities.

3. Speak. Work with a partner. Look at the two pictures and talk about the changes of the town. The word prompts in the box may help you.
- The town is becoming busier and noisier.
- Vehicles are getting more modern.
- Urban views are becoming more beautiful.
- The traffic is getting busier.
- The air is becoming dirtier.
- The price is getting more expensive.

4. Listen. Fill in the missing words.
1. that
2. this
3. it's
4. where
5. from
6. coming
7. week
8. arriving
9. thursday
10. late
11. afternoon
12. speak
13. my
14. get

5. Read.
Complete the summry. Use information from the passage.
1. leaving
2. home
3. city
4. rural
5. city
6. problems
7. shools
8. hospitals
9. problem
10. world

Fill the word in the passage that means.
a. rural
b. plentiful
c. increase
d. strain
e. tragedy
f. urban

Put the outline for an informal letter in the correct order. If you don't remember, refer to the writing exercises in Unit 5.
- Heading : date, write's address.
- Opening
- Body of letter
- Closing

Write a letter to a friend about your neighborhood. These questions may help you.
23 Tran Hung Dao Street.
Buon Ma Thuot City
July 12th
Dear Lan,
I live with my family in a house on Tran Hung Dao Street. My house is not large but it's very nice. There are a living room, two bedrooms and a small ketchen in my house. In front of the house, there is a small yard with some flowers and plants. My sister and I share one bedroom. From our bedroom's window, I can see a lot of houses, trees and a top of a church. My house is not far from my school - it's about one kilometer so I go to school by bike. In my neighborhood, there are a large stadium, a restaurant and a swimming pool. As you know, I enjoy swimming therefore I like the swimming pool best. I go there every afternoon.
I have to do homework now, so I'll say goodbye. Please write to me as soon as you can and tell me all about your life.

7. Language focus.
1. Read the dialogues.
a. Mr. Tu: Is the boat to Nha Trang leaving at 11.35?
Clerk: Is that City of Hue?
Mr. Tu: That's right.
Clerk: It's leaving on time, sir.
b. Mrs. Nga: Is the boat from Ho Chi Minh City arriving at 10.30?
Clerk: Are you talking about Speed of Light?
Mrs. Nga: Yes
Clerk: I'm sorry, it's been delayed.
Mrs. Nga: Oh, no!
Clerk: Now, it's arriving at 12.35.

2. Complete the diagues. Use the verbs in the present progressive tense.
b. are doing
c. am watching
d. am going
e. are cleaning
f. am having

3. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs and adjectives in the boxes.
b. are getting weeker
c. is getting darket
d. is becoming colder
e. are getting better
f. is becoming cleaner

4. Make comparisons between the city and the coutry about these things. The adjectives in the box will help you.
b. busier than
c. easier than
d. fresher than
e. poorer than
f. more accessible than
g. better than
h. worse than

5. Look at the advertisements. Compare the house, the villa and apartment. Use the adjectives in the box.
a. The house is more expensive than the arpartment.
b. The arpartment is smaller than the villa.
c. The villa is the oldest home.
d. The villa is more beautiful than the house.
e. The partment is hotter than the house.
f. The villa is bigger than the arpartment.
g. The apartment is the smallest of the three.
h. The villa is the most expensive home.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 9 : A First-aid couse.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 7 : My Neighborhood

1. Getting started.
a. grocery store
b. stadium
c. wer market
d. drugstore
e. hairdresser's
f. swimming-pool

2. Listen and read. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the dialogue.
a. new
b. last week
c. tired
d. restaurant
e. Hue
f. pancakes

3. Speak. Loot at the following brochure and the information in the box. Make similar dialogue.
a. Clerk: Next, please.
Na:  I want to send this letter to Komtum.
Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail?
Na: How much is surface mail?
Clerk: I'll have to weigh the letter first. Mmm. Twenty grams. That'll be 800 dong.
Na: Ok. I'll send it surface mail.
b. Dung: Excuse me. I'd like to send this postcard to Ho Chi Minh City.
Clerk: Do you want to send it by airmail or surface mail?
Dung: I'm not sure. How much is airmail?
Clerk: I'll have to weigh the postcard first. Mmm. Fifteen grams. That'll be 1200 dong.
Dung: All right. I'll send it airmail.
c. Lien: I'd like to send this parcel to Ca Mau.
Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail?
Lien: How much is airmail?
Clerk: I'll have to weigh the parcel first. Two kilograms. That'll be 13000 dong.
Lien: Ok. I'll send it airmail.
d. Clerk: Next, please.
Thu: I want to send this parcel to Buon Ma Thuot.
Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail?
Thu: Surface mail, please. How much is it?
Clerk: I'll have to weigh the parcel first. Mmm. Five kilograms. It's 18200 dong.
Thu: Here you are 20000 dong.
Clerk: Here is your change. Thanks.

4. Listen.
Listen to the conversatiom. Then fill the blank in each of the advertisement with one phrase from the box.
2. Town Ground.
3. English Speaking Contest.
4. Culture House.

Listen to the conversation again and check (v) the correct box for True, False or No information.
a. T
b. F
c. F
d. T
e. T
f. No Information.

5. Read.
True (T) or false (F)? Check (v) the boxes. Then correct the false sentences and write them in your exercise book.
a. F. The mall is open seven days a week.
b. F. There are 50 stores in the mall.
c. F. Some people in the neighborhood are not pleased about the new mall.
d. T
e. T

a. It is that all the shops are under one roof.
b. The facilities are 50 air-conditioned apecialty stores, 4 movie theaters, 10 restaurants and children's play area.
c. They think the mall will take their business.
d. Some of the goods in the new stores will be the same as the ones in the small shops, but the stores in the mall will offer a wide selection of prducts, some at cheaper prices.

6. Write. Use the similar format to write a notice about the English Speaking contest below.
The school English Speaking Club.
Date: November 15, 2015 - Time: 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm.
Place: Hall 204, Building G.
Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H for more information.

7. Language focus.
1. Match each verb to its past participle.
go - gone
eat - eaten

2. Complete the expressions. Use for or since.
for : five minutes, three hours, 10 weeks, 20 years.
since: january, 1990, the summer, friday.

3. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in breakets.
b. have not eaten
c. have not seen
d. have attended
e. has worked
f. has collected

4. Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.
1. have been
2. hope
3. ...have you lived here?
4. is
5. want
6. looks
7. Have you ever been there?
8. have seen

5. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. You will have to use some words more than once.
c. more expensive than
d. the same as
e. the same price as
f. different from
g. as long as
h. not as modern as
i. not as cheap as

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 8 : Country life and city life.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 6 : The young pioneers club.

1. Getting started. Check (v) the boxes, then add more activities to the list.
- helping blind people
- helping elderly people
- helping handicapped children
- cleaning up beaches
- taking part in sports

2. Listen and read. Complete Nga's details.
Name: Pham Mai Nga  -  Date of birth : April 22, 1989.
Home address: 5 Tran Phu Street - Sex: Female.
Phone number:
Interests: Drawing, outdoor activities and acting

3. Listen
1. unite
2. peace
3. right
4. love
5. north
6. south
7. of
8. world
9. show
10. place
11. out
12. stand
13. world

3. Read.
Fill in the missing dates.
a. 1907
b. 1090
c. 1910
d. 1994

a. Scouting began in England in 1907.
b. The meeting between a boy scout and Mr. William Boyce led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910.
c. Girls can join in the Girl Guides Association and the coeducational Camp Fire Boys and Girls.
d. The three aims of the scouting program are building character, encouraging good citizenship and personal fitness.

4. Write.
Read the passage and complete the letter.
1. community
2. recycling
3. collect
4. send
5. recycling
6. save
7. earn
8. participating
9. planting
10. helping

Read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt. Then write Hoa's letter to her parents telling what she is going to do.
Dear Mon and Dad,
I'm very happy to tell you that I'm going to join the Y&Y Green group of my school. The Green group is holding an environment month. We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends. We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class. We will also plant young trees and plants to sell to other schools.
I hope we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for our school Y&Y. The program is very interesting and useful, isn't it?
I'm in a very good health. I will tell you more about the group activites later.

5. Language focus.
1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Y&Y Spring activity program.
a. When do they plant and water trees along streets? - On February 2.
Where do they plant and water trees? - On city center streets.
What time do they start and finish work? - They start at 7 am and finish at 10 am.
b. When do they help the elderly and street children? - On March 26.
Where do they help the elderly and street children? - At City rest home and orphanage.
What time do they start and finish work? - They start at 7 am and finish at 4 pm.
c. When do they have big gathering to support cultural - sport programs? - On April 15.
Where do they have big gathering to support cultural - sport programs? - At Central stadium.
What time do they start and finish work? - They start at 5 pm and finish at 9 pm.

2. Work with a partner.
A: Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn't like washing up.
B: Lan doesn't like playing soccer and she doesn't like washing up, either.

A: Ba hates cooking meals, but he likes performing music.
B: Lan likes cooking meals and she likes performing music,too.

A: Ba doesn't like gardening, but he likes gathering broken glasses.
B: Lan doesn't like gardening, but she likes gathering broken glasses.

3. Work with a partner
A. buy a ticket
B. take me across the road
C. help me with this math problem.
D. water the flowers in the garden.
May I - Do you need - me help you - very kind.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 7 : My Neighborhood

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 5 : Study habits

1. Listen and read.
True(T) or False (F)? Check (v) the boxes.
a. F
b. T
c. F
d. T
e. F
f. T

Answer the questions.
a. Miss jackson is Tim's teacher.
b. Miss Jackson gave Tim's mother his report card.
c. Tim worked very hard this semester.
d. Mis Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation.
e. Tim's mother gave him a dictionary.

2. Listen.
1. 87 days
2. 5 days
3. S
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B

3. Read.
True (T) or false (F) ? Check (v) the boxes.
a. F
b. T
c. F
d. T

Answer the questions.
a. No, they don't. They learners learn words on different ways.
b. because they want to remember how to use the word in the right way.
c. To remember words better, some learners write each word and its use on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere in their house so as to learn it at any time.
d. Because only want to remember important words.
e. Revision is necessary in learning words.
f. Learners should try different way of learning words to find out what is the best.

4. Write.
Look at Hoa's letter to Tim. She wrote it at the end of term. Identify the sections. Label them with correc letter.
B - D - A - C

Now help Lan write a letter to her penpal Donna is San Francisco. Use the information in the box.
312 Tran Hung Dao
Buon Ma Thuot City
June 15, 2015
Dear Donna,
Thanks for your letter. I'm pleased to hear you had a happy Mother's Day.
I received my second semester report last month. I got good grades for Geography, Physics and Math, but my English and History. I think I'll have to study harder next school year.
In a few weeks we're going to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. That's a moon festival in Autumn or Fall in Viet Nam. I'm going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoon and I'm going to stay there with them until after the festival. I'll send you a postcard from there.
Write soon and tell me all your news.

5. Language focus.
1. Complete the dialogues. Use the adverbs of manner in the box.
a. well
b. hard
c. fast
d. badly
e. softly

2. Work with a partner. Look at the picture of Mr. Hao's house. Use the words in the box. Say what he should do.
Mr. Hao should repair the roof.
Mr. Hao should paint the house.
Mr. Hao should cut the grass.
Mr. Hao should replant the trees.
Mr. Hao should mend the door and the windows.

3. Work with a partner. Suppose you are Tim's mother. Report Miss Jackson's commands and requests in her conversation with Tim's mother.
a. Miss Jackson asked me to wait for her ut side her office.
b. Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester.
c.  Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation.
d. Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week.

4. Work with a partner. Report Miss Jackson's advice she gave in her conversation with Tim's mother.
a. Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation .
b. Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish every day.
c. Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversations on TV.
d. Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passage in Spanish.
e. Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 6 : The young pioneers club.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 4 : Our past

1. Getting started. Look at the picture. Write the names of the things that do not belong to the past.
The TV, Briefcase, Cassette player, The mobile phone, The lighting fixture, Modern dress, School uniforms

2. Listen and Read.
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.
a. Nga's grandmother used to live on a farm.
b. Because she had to stay home and help her mom.
c. She used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes.
d. Her great-grandmother lit the lamp and her great-grandfather used to tell them stories.
e. She asked her grandmother to tell her the tale The Lost Shoe.

Fact (F) or opinion (O)? Check (v) the boxes.
a. F
b. F
c. F
d. F
e. O
f. O

3. Speak.
Work with a partner. Look at the pictures. Talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now.
People used to live in thatched cottages. Now people live in large houses.
People used to travel on foot. Now they travel by bike, motobike, car, bus, ...
People used to work hard all the time. Now they have more time for intertaiment such as watching TV, shopping, ect.
Children used to play on the fields or on the country lanes. Now children go to school or stay at home playing video games, computer games, ect.
There used to be no electricity. Now there is electricity in almost everywhere.

Now tell your partner about the things you used to do last year.
Last year I used to walk to school. Now, I go to school by bike.
Last year I used to swim on the weekend. Now, I play tennis on the weekend.
Last year I used to drink milk for breakfast. Now, I drink orange juice for breakfast.

4. Listen

5. Read.
Complete the sentences with words from the story.
a. farmer
b. died
c. had - again
d. choose
e. new clothes
f. lost

Answer the questions. Write the answers in your exercise book.
a. Littele Pea was a poor farmer's daughter.
b. Stout Nut's mother made Little Pea do the chores all day.
c. A fairy appeared and magically changed Little Pea's rags into beatifull clothes.
d. The prince decided to marry the girl who owned the shoe.
e. No, this isn't a true story. This is a folktale.

6. Write
Complete the story. Use the verbs in the box.
1. appeared
2. was
3. said
4. left
5. went
6. tied
7. lit
8. burned
9. escaped

Now imagine you are the man. Use the words to write the story. Start like this.
One day as I was in the field and my buffalo was grazing nearby, a tiger came. It taked why the strong buffalo was my servant and why I was its master. I told the tiger that I had something called wisdom. The tiger wanted to see it, but I told it I left the wisdom at home that day. Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a rope because I didn't want it to eat my buffalo. I went to get some straw which I said was my wisdom and I burned the tiger. The tiger escaped, but today it still has black stripes from the burns.

7. Language focus.
1. Write the past simple form of each verb.
b. flew
c. took
d. went
e. had
f. did
g. was/were
h. rode
i. ate
j. sat
k. came

2. Complete the dialogue below. Use the past simple.
b. did - get
c. was
d. did - have

3. Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions in the table.
b. in
c. between
d. at - after
e. before

4. Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogue. Use used to and the verbs in the box.
b. used to have
c. used to be
d. used to live

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 5 : Study habits

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 3 : At Home

1. Getting started.
a. washing dishes
b. make the bed
c. sweeping the floor
d. cooking
e. tidying up
f. feeding the chickens

2. Listen and read. Read the dialogue again. Complete the list of the things Nam has to do.
- cook dinner.
- to the market.
- buy some fish and vegetables.
- call his Aunt Chi, and ask her to meet his mother at Grandma's house.

3. Speak.
Look at the picture. Work with a partner. Talk about the position of each item.
3. in - next to
4. on - above
5. next to
6. on - beneath
7. on - above
8. on - beneath
9. on - above
10. on - next to
11. on - next to
12. on
13. around

Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for her living-room, but she cannot decide where to put it. Work with a partner and arrange the furniture. You must reach an agreement.
1. Let's put the couch against the wall.
2. Ok. And i think we ought to put the cushion on the couch.
3. We should put the armchair opposite the couch.
4. Yes. I think we should put the coffee table between the couch and the armchair.
5. I think the rug should be put in front of the couch.
6. Let's put the shelf in the corner opposite the couch.
7. Yes. I think we should put the TV, the stereo and the magazines on the shelves.
8. All right. And we ought to put the lamp and the telephone on the coffee table.
9. Let's hang the picture above the couch.
10. Ok. And the clock should be on the opposite wall.

4. Listen.
a1; b2; c2; d2

5. Read. Answer. True or false? Check (v) the boxes. Correct the false sentences.
b. T
c. F; A kitchen is a dangerous place to play.
d. F; Playing with one match can cause a fire.
e. T
f. T

Ask and answer.
b. Because the kitchen is a dangerous place.
c. Because matches and cause a fire.
d. Because children can put anything into electrical sockets. Electricity can kill.
e. Because they can injure or kill chidren.

5. Write.
Now write a description of this kitchen.
This is Hoa's kitchen. There is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room. Next to the refrigerator is a stove and oven. On the other side of the oven, there is a sink and next to the sink is a towel rack. The dish rack is on the counter to the right of the window and beneath the shelves. On the counter beneath the window, there are jars of sugar, flour and tea. In the middle of the kitchen, there is a table and four chairs. The lighting fixture is above the table, and beneath the lighting fixture is a vase with flowers.

Write a description of a room in your house. Refer to the above paragraphs.
My room is on the second floor. It's quite a big room and very light, because there are two windows overlooking the garden. My desk is between the windows and my bed is against the wall opposite the desk. There's an armchair near the desk and behind the armchair there's a wardrobe. Opposite them, there's chest of drawers with bookshelves next to it. I'm very please with my room.

6. Language focus.
1. Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogue. Use must or have to and the verbs in the box.
1. have to tidy up
2. have to dust
3. have to sweep
4. have to clean
5. have to empty
6. have to feed

2. Look at the pictures. Use ought to give advice to these people.
b. You ought to get up earlier.
c. You ought to eat more fruit and vegerables.
d. You ought to go to the dentist

3. Complete the dialogues. Uses the reflexive pronouns in the box. You will have to use some of the reflexive pronouns more than once.
1. ourselves
2. myself
3. yourself
4. himself
5. herself
6. them selves
7. yourselves

4. Work with a partner. Ask and and answer questions about Hoa, Nam, Ha, Nga and Mrs. Vui using Why-Because.
b. Why did Nam have to cook dinner?
Because his mother was home late.
c. Why was Mrs. Vui, Nam's Mom, come home late?
Because she had to go amd visit Nam's grandmother.
d. Why did Ha fail her English test?
Because she played the computer games.
e. Why coundn't Nga go to the movies?
Because she had to do her chores.

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh lớp 8 Unit 4 : Our past

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 2 : Making Arrangements

1. Getting started.
a. an answering machine
b. a mobile phone
c. a fax machine
d. a telephone directory
e. a public telephone
f. an address book

2. Listen and read. Read the dialogue again. Decide who did and said each of the following things. Then ask a partner these questions to check your answers.
a. Nga made the call.
b. Nga introduced herself.
c. Nga invited Hoa to the movies.
d. Nga arranged a meeting place.
e. Hoa arranged the time.
f. Nga agreed to the time.

3. Speak. 
Put the sentences below in the correct order to make a complete conversation.
4a ; 1b ; 6c; 11d; 7e; 2f; 9g; 10h; 5i; 3j; 8k

Complete the dialogue. Ba and Bao are making arrangements to play chess. Practice the dialogue. Then make similar arrangements.
Ba: Hello. 8257012
Bao: May I speak to Ba, please? This is Bao.
Ba: Hello,Bao.How are you?
Bao: I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Ba: Great. Me too.
Bao: Can you play chess tonight?
Ba: I'm sorry. I can't play chess tonight. I'm going to do my homework.
Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon?
Ba: Yes. Tomorrow afternoon isfine.
Bao: I'll meet you at the Central Chess Club.
Ba: At the Central Chess Club? Ok. Let's meet at the front door.
Bao: Is 2.00 o'clock ok?
Ba: Great. See you tomorrow afternoon at 2.00 o'clock.

4. Listen
Date: Tuesday Time: 9:45
For: The principal.
Message: Mrs.Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 on Tuesday morning.
Telephone number: 64683720942

5. Read.
True (T) or False(F)? Check (v) the boxes.Correct the false sentences.
a. F; Alexander G. Bell was born in Edinburgh,Scotland.
b. F; He worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University.
c. T
d. F; Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876
e. F; Bell experimented with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance.
f. T

Put the events in the correct order.
a3; b7; c5; d1; e2; f6; g4

6. Write.
Read the message. Then fill in the gaps in the passage that follows with the information.
1. telephoned
2. May 12
3. speak
4. took
5. name
6. delivery
7. Mr. Ha
8. at

Now read the passage below.Write the telephone message in your exercise book.
Date: June 16
Time: after midday
For: Mrs. Van
Message: Mr.Nam called about his stationery order. He wanted you to call him at 8634082.
Taken by: Mr.Toan

Help Lisa write a message for Nancy.Use the information from the fislogue.
Date: Today.
Time: 1.30 pm.
For: Nancy
Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon.He will come over to pick you up at 1.30.
Taken by: Lisa

7.Language focus.
1.Work with a partner. Say what the people are going to do. Follow the example sentence.
a. They are going to go fishing.
b. She is going to read the new novel.
c. She is going to do her homework.
d. He is going to watch the action movie on TV tonight.
e. She is going to give him a birthday present.

2. Complete the speech bubbles. Use each adverb in the box once.
a. upstairs.
b. here
c. downstairs
d. outside
e. there
f. inside

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 3 : At Home

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 1 : My friends.

1. Getting started.
a. There are three boys in first group. They are playing soccer.
b. There are three girls in the second group. They are studying.
c. There are too boys in the third group. They are playing chess.
d. There are four girls in the fourth group. They are playing volleyball.

2. Listen and read. Answer the following questions.
a. Nien lives in Hue.
b. No, Lan does not know Nien.
c. She wan't old enough to be in my class.
d. Nien is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.

3. Speak. Now take turns to make similar dialogues. Use the adjectives in the table.
a. A: This person is tall and thin. He has short black hair.
B: Is this Van?
A: Yes.
b. A This person is short and fat. He is bald.
B Is this Mr. Lai?
C Yes
c. A This person is tall and slim. She has long dark hair.
B. Is this Miss Lien?
A Yes
d. A This person is tall and slim. She has curly blond hair.
B Is this Ann?
A yes

4. Listen
1. I'd like you to meet.
2. Nice to meet you.
3. I'd like you to meet.
4. It's a pleasure to meet you.
5. come and meet.
6. How do you do.

5. Read. Choose the best answer and write.
a. three
b. does not affect his school work
c. don't talk much in public
d. get tired of

Fill in a similar form for your partner. Use the following questions as prompts.
Name: Nguyen Thi A, Age: 14
Description: pretty, tall, thin, long black hair.
Address: 312 Tran Hung Dao, Daklak
Family: parents, elder sister and younger brother, C and D
Friend: E, F

Now write a paragraph about your partner.
Her name's Nguyen Thi A. She's 14 years old. She lives at 312 Tran Hung Dao Street in Daklak with her parents, her elder sister and her younger brother, C and D. She's pretty. She's tall and thin has long black hair. She is very kind, humorous and friendly. Her best friends are E and F.

7. Language focus.
1. Comnplete the paragraphs. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0. lived
1. lives
2. sent
3. was
4. is
0. is
1. are
2. came
3. showed
4. introduced

2. Complete the dislogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. You will have to use some verbs more than once.
0. rises
1. sets
2. moves
3. goes
4. is
5. is
6. is

3. Look and describe.
a. There are four people in the picture.
b. There is a tall, heavy-set man; there is a tall, thin woman with short hair; there is a boy sitting on the ground, holding his head and there is a short man standing across the street, before the bus stop.
c. The man standing next to the green car is wearing a yellow shirt and black trousers. The woman is carrying a shoulder bag, and is wearing a green skirt and red blouse. The boy sitting on the ground and holding his head is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt; the man across the street is wearing blue trousers and a pink shirt.

4. Complete the dialogues. Use (not) adjective + enough.
a. not big enough
b. not old enough
c. strong enough
d. good enough

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 8 Unit 2 : Making Arrangements

Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 16: Inventions.

1. Active or passive? Write A in the brackets if the sentences is in the active voice and P if it is in the passive voice.
a. P
b. A
c. P
d. A
e. P
f. A
g. P
h. A

2. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets in each of the follwing sentences.
a. invented
b. was invented
c. did discover
d. was discovered
e. was made
f. was invented
g. invented
h. developed
i. discovered
j. was disigned

3. Put the sentences below in the correct order to produce the instruction to cook spring-rolls or Nem. Use the sequence markers in the box to complete the instruction.
First b)
Second d)
After this a)
Then e)
Next f)
Finally c)

4. Fill in each of the gaps in the passage below with one suitable word from the box.
1. designed
2. linked
3. came
4. brought
5. used
6. put
7. succeeded
8. combined
9. called

5. Read the pasage in Exercise 4 again and write true or false against these statements.
a. T
b. T
c. F
d. T
e. F

7. Invented or was invented? Use the corect form or the verb in brakets.
a. invented
b. was invented
c. was invented
d. was invented
e. invented
f. was invented
g. was invented
h. was invented
i. invented
j. was invented
"You get what you pay for" - Tiền nào của nấy.
8. Read the list of the 20th century inventions and put the following events in the correct order of time. One item (d) has been done for you.
5. a
4. b
8. c
1. d
11. e
3. f
10. g
9. h
2. i
6. j
7. k

Từ vựng cho bạn ( ctrl a để thấy đáp án) 
Inventions: sự phát minh
Passive voice: bị động

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 11, 2015

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 15: Computers

1. Write the sentences with for or since. Use the verbs in the present perfect.
b. They have visited the SiliconValley since last November.
c. Nam has been happy since he had a computer.
d. We have learned computer science for a month.
e. She has worked at our school since the year 2000.
f. I have used those program for two years.
g. The printer has stopped working since this morning.
h. They have known the name of the company for a long time.
i.He has read the book since 9 o'clock.

2. Complete the sentences, using the verbs in the present perfect.
b. have been
c. have joined
d. has damaged
e. has asked
f. have found out

3. Match the sentences in (I) with the appropriate responses in (II).
a. E
b. H
c. F
d. J
e. A
f. D
g. B
h. I
i. C
j. G

4. Complete the sentences with yet or already.
a. yet
b. already
c. yet
d. already
e. yet
f. already
g. yet
h. yet
i. yet - already

5. Mrs. Quyen is now in a shopping mall. Look at her shopping list and write sentences telling what she has already bought/done (v) and what she hasn't bought/done (x) yet.
c. Mrs. Quyen has already bought a handbag for daughter.
d. Mrs. Quyen has not bought some souvenirs for friends yet.
e. Mrs. Quyen has not bought some some cosmetics yet.
f. Mrs. Quyen has already bought a tea set.
g. Mrs.Quyen has already bought a pair of sun glasses.
h. Mrs. Quyen has already done withdraw money.
i. Mrs. Quyen has not done meet an old friend at the restaurant for lunch yet.
j. Mrs. Quyen has not bought a roll of film.

6. Write the sentences, putting the verbs in the present perfect or past simple.
b. has become - wrote.
c. Have you been to the Disneyland? - had.
d. has never used - bought
e. haven't seen - met
f. heard - I have never seen nor talked to her.
g. missed - has oversleeped - came
h. took - has taken - started
i. ... Did you see him? - has gone

7. Look at the pictures and the words underneath.Write the instructions to make yogurt.
a. Heat the milk and boil it for one minute.
b. Let the milk cool until about 40C.
c. Add one cup of yogurt as a starter.
d. Stir the milk into little cups.
e. Pour the cup in a warm place for at least  hours.
f. The yogurt is ready to put into the fridge to cool.
"To try to run before the one can walk" - Chưa học bò chớ lo học chạy.
8. Fill in each gap in the following sentences with one word, phrase or acronym from the box.
a. set up
b. fans
c. LCD
d. clean
e. click
f. keyboard
g. CPU
h. motherboard
i. green
j. hard-disk

9. Read and answer the multiple-choice questions.
a. A
b. B
c. A
d. B
e. A

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Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh 8 Unit 16: Inventions.